The City of West Hollywood is kicking off a series of workshops focused on healthier living today.
The city Recreation Services Division’s “Be Well WeHo” events will take place throughout Fall and Winter to help participants identify and pursue personal wellness goals.
It will include the “Healthier Living” workshops developed by Stanford University, the “A Matter of Balance” workshops developed by Boston University and a one-day “Mindfulness Series” workshop on stress reduction.
One of Stanford’s Healthier Living program’s six workshops begins today at 7 p.m. at the West Hollywood Library Community Meeting Room, located at 625 N. San Vicente Blvd. Another in the Stanford series begins at 10 a.m. tomorrow at the Plummer Park Community Center, 7377 Santa Monica Blvd. and runs until noon.
Stanford University’s “Healthier Living,” a six-session interactive workshop, is offered in two different sessions:
The Tuesday sessions are from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. each Tuesday through Oct. 17. The Wednesday sessions are from 10 a.m. to noon every Wednesday through Oct. 18.
The tools used in the “Healthier Living” workshop can be employed by participants of any age, and at any stage in their lives. Participants learn how to make powerful and achievable weekly action plans — plans that are the first steps along the path to reach wellness goals.
Boston University’s “A Matter of Balance,” a workshop meant to reduce the risk and fear of falling, offers two options.
One is eight sessions on Fridays from Sept. 15 through Nov. 3. Each takes place from 10 a.m. to noon at the West Hollywood Library Community Meeting Room, 625 N. San Vicente Blvd. The other takes place each Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m.
at the Plummer Park Community Center, 7377 Santa Monica Blvd. That series begins Sept. 24 and runs through Nov. 12.
People of all ages can be at risk of falling for many reasons. Poor posture, vertigo, joint issues and poor muscle tone are just some of the conditions that can increase your risk of falling. “A Matter of Balance” emphasizes practical strategies to not only reduce the risk and fear of falling but also increase confidence during daily activities. This is not an exercise class (although there is an exercise component).
Finally, the “Mindfulness Series” stress reduction session takes place on Wednesday from 3 to 4:30 p.m. at the Plummer Park Community Center, 7377 Santa Monica Blvd. and from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the West Hollywood Library Community Meeting Room, 625 N. San Vicente Blvd.
During this workshop, which will be led by licensed clinical social worker Maggie Thomas, participants will learn a variety of techniques to detect and reduce their stressors to create a positive outcome.
Be Well WeHo workshops are led by facilitators who are specially-trained and certified. Group discussions are held in an open, friendly, supportive environment.
Additional workshops, including UCLA’s Memory Training, the Arthritis Foundation’s exercise class, and guided meditations will be announced in the coming months.
Enrollment is limited, and there is a $3 fee per workshop, including materials. To register for any of the workshops, please visit the city’s Recreation website at
For more information, please call (323) 848-6534, or email [email protected]. For people who are deaf hearing impaired, please call TTY (323) 848-6496.
Great idea…very much needed….however I just don t feel safe walking in West Hollywood park between 7PM letting out at 9 PM… I tried attending the weds night meeting which was moved to the sky room in West Hollywood Park but after seeing at least six very strange street people hanging out in the park I decided to just go home… I just didn’t feel safe… Walked 5 blocks along San Vicente Blvd on my way to lunch on Santa Monica Blvd this afternoon and counted a total of seven street people along the Blvd…. They need help…medical help…an apartment… Read more »