“If They Only Knew” | Alfie Arcuri


I have no idea why these types of videos always choke me up. I  imagine this happens often when you discover you like your best friend as more than just a friend. I have never had a straight friend with whom this happened, but in LGBTQ+ media you see this story a lot.

I love Alfie Arcuri’s song about this boy’s internal struggle in  falling for his best friend (who has a girlfriend) and his being up set that they are together. “I wish that was me sitting with you, arm around you, lips touching yours”  — you see it in his face. Then we get to the t point where he facts on his feelings and kisses him.  For a split second they both want each other right then and now.

I am not going to give the rest of the video away. But you will be on the edge of your seat like I was as this story unfolds. Thank you Alfie for creating such a beautiful song with such kick-ass music about “forbidden love” and the struggle to be true with your feelings about the one you love. Watch

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