WeHo Earns Top Score in Human Rights Campaign LGBT Equality Index


The City of West Hollywood has scored 100 out of 100 points on the Human Rights Campaign’s 2017 Municipal Equality Index (MEI), a nationwide evaluation of municipal laws affecting the LGBT community. The city also received 14 bonus points for an unofficial score of 114/100 in recognition of services to LGBT people and people with HIV/AIDS, for LGBT elected and appointed leaders and for being a welcoming place to work. The city’s official score, however, is based on 100 total points for a rating of 100/100.

The HRC launched the MEI in 2012 and rates cities yearly. The MEI examines the laws, policies and services of municipalities of various sizes from every state in the country and rates them on the basis of their inclusivity of LGBT people living and working in those cities. This year’s score once again places the City of West Hollywood at the top of rated municipalities in the nation. HRC rated a total of 506 cities. The City of West Hollywood has received a perfect score on the MEI in multiple consecutive years.

“Earning a top rating from the Human Rights Campaign’s Municipal Equality Index is a testament to West Hollywood’s commitment to full equality for the LGBT community” said West Hollywood Mayor John Heilman. “In the current political climate, the LGBT community is facing new challenges to our hard-fought legal rights. I’m very pleased to see so many cities added to HRC’s index and many of these cities have received very high scores. This reflects a significant improvement for LGBT people in municipal workplaces.”

A city’s MEI score is based on its non-discrimination laws, its recognition of relationships, its fairness and inclusiveness as an employer, its municipal services, its law enforcement and its relationship with its LGBT community. Detailed scorecard information is posted on the HRC website at www.hrc.org/mei. A PDF scorecard for West Hollywood’s 2017 MEI is available online.

Since incorporation in 1984, the City of West Hollywood has become an influential cities in the nation in regard to its stance on LGBT issues. West Hollywood is a community with a large LGBT population. According to a 2013 Community Study survey, approximately 41% of residents identify as gay or bisexual men and approximately 5% of residents identify as lesbian or bisexual women. The city has advocated for more than three decades for measures to support LGBT individuals and has been in the vanguard on efforts to gain equality for all people on a state, national and international level. The city was also the first city to create a domestic partnership registry as well as to offer benefits to city employees for same-sex couples.


As the largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) represents a force of more than 1.5 million members and supporters nationwide. Founded in 1980, HRC advocates on behalf of LGBT Americans, mobilizes grassroots actions in diverse communities, invests strategically to elect supportive individuals to office and educates the public about LGBT issues.

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