“Beatdown: S4 – E21” | Willam Belli


I thought I would break up the seriousness of today’s GTV posts with some fun video shaming with Willam Belli. I love how you can just turn on her channel and always have something that makes you want to laugh, smile and throw some shade right along with her.

The first video is of some hottie trying to tell us how to do a make-up-tutorial, which, first of all is bish.  If you don’t know how to do make-up, why the hell are you teaching us?! Also,  apparently he took 14 minutes to do so. Thank God, Willam edits these down.  I am not an expert or drag queen but I know damn well how to do my own make-up and explain how I do in less than five minutes.  Also, he took way too long to explain the difference between light and dark shades.

The second video is of some kid being creepy talking about how he, “loves you girl more than….” blah blah blah. It was just plain weird.

Then we have everyone’s favorite part of these episodes with a “Surprise Video of the Week,” which is HILARIOUS. Basically a chicken gets its ass pounded lol….you have to watch to see what I mean. Finally, we have a Latina hooker negotiating her services…at least that is what I think she is doing (Willam translated).   Lol. WATCH

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