“Lucas: One Kid, Four Parents Co-Parenting | Latrina Elsen


Two fathers. Two mothers. Two LGBT couples and two children. The sister of Thomas accompanies these two differnt couples to discover how a gay couple (Thomas and Sebastian) and lesbian couple (Josy and Cindy) can both work together to to have children but still share custody and love and raise two children as separate couples.

This  Germany documentary shows how two couples work through the different aspects of raising their children in different households. At first, it’s about Sebastian and Cindy having a child together named Lucas and sharing parenting responsibilities. Not long after that, Thomas and Josy have a child together named Leni. Through this documentary we get a first hand look at how difficult this must have been to work out everything that goes along with being a parent. Also the legal issues of it all too, and how both sets of parents have to work together to have time with their children but still learn to let them go at the end of their time together. It’s an amazing documentary and you really see just how much love is out there.

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