Two Vehicles Collide on Fountain Ave. at Genesee This Afternoon

Vehicle collision on Fountain Avenue near Genesee. (Photo by Jim Garrecht / ANG News)

Two cars collided on Fountain Avenue this afternoon, the latest in a series of vehicle collisions that have prompted the City of West Hollywood to develop a plan to reduce such incidents.

The crash occurred a little after 3 p.m. on Fountain Avenue near North Genesee. Both vehicles appeared to have front end damage and one ended up on the sidewalk in front of a home on the south side of Fountain, just west of Genesee.

A witness on the scene said that Sheriff’s deputies positioned patrol cars blocking east- and westbound traffic on Fountain, although some drivers maneuvered around them.

It is unclear whether anyone was injured in the incident.

A short-term plan to reduce traffic and pedestrian accidents on Fountain was presented by city officials on Jan. 22 at a community meeting at Plummer Park.

It called for implementing a variety of measures focused primarily on the intersections of Fountain with Harper Avenue, Havenhurst Drive, Hayworth Avenue and La Brea Avenue. Those intersections were chosen based on the number of collisions there and the city’s ability to implement fixes relatively quickly.

Hany Demitri, West Hollywood’s acting city engineer, told those at that meeting that he expected the work could be completed this summer if the proposals are approved by the City Council when it reviews them next month.


At that meeting, Walter Davis, West Hollywood’s neighborhood traffic management program specialist, said the city also will institute intermediate and longer term measures. They will include efforts to improve the walkability of sidewalks along Fountain, changing some stop lights to give pedestrians priority in crossing the street before cars can move forward, adding more crosswalks with lights signaling that pedestrians are crossing and installing medians or curb bulb-outs that will slow traffic.

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7 years ago

The federal government should require that auto makers install a text scrambler in cars so people cant text and drive. just like they required seat belts.

Steve LA
Steve LA
7 years ago

If you’re going to report on an accident, you need to mention the cause of the accident.

7 years ago

At approximately 7:00 am this morning, with little traffic and folks most likely out walking their dogs, a high performance vehicle “wound it out” between Crescent Heights and Fairfax then again past Fairfax moving east with a high pitched whine. Estimate 70-80 mph easily.

J Simmons
J Simmons
7 years ago

How strange. When was the last time anyone heard a story about crash on Fountain. It must be one of the safest streets since there hasn’t been a single major safety improvement to the entire “death trap” with odd greater than any lottery of getting into an accident on Fountain.

But let’s spend more on the already overpriced park. (which $150 million for “phase 1” should have been enough to turn the City’s attention from unneeded park ‘redo’ and onto ROAD SAFETY … FOR FOUNTAIN.