“I’m Fine” | Brandon Kirby


This week, Dekkoo.com, the global streaming media service for queer men, launched the second season of “I’m Fine.” Set in West Hollywood, “I’m Fine” is a dark comedy that examines darker inside of the lives of a group of gay friends living in this otherwise bright and “gay” neighborhood. “It’s sometimes cringe-worthy, but the characters I think are likable and, hopefully most of all, relatable,” says series creator Brandon Kirby. “I hope people see themselves in these characters, even if sometimes they might not want to.”

The series touches on subjects ranging from Grindr to sex parties, family and depression, while taking an  unfiltered and humorous look at gay male relationships and friendships and the sometimes blurry line between these two. “I’m Fine: Season 2” continues the story of neurotic, self-absorbed Nate, who broke up with his boyfriend Joey, has fallen out with his best friend Jeff, and is surrounded by somewhat happier friends (Andy, Brian, Nicole). Through it all, when you ask him how he is doing, all you get is a sigh, an eye-roll and “I’m fine.”

What’s interesting in this season is that Kirby made the main character secondary to the others, giving us a more in-depth look into their lives and personalities. This is a series anyone can relate to at one time or another in his gay life. You will really get sucked into this series. Go to Dekkoo.com to view the whole series.

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