Gay Couples in WeHo: Well Educated, Relatively Affluent and Mostly without Kids


The median gay male spouse/partner in the West Hollywood area is 39 years old, from another state and college-educated, while the median gay couple makes over $100,000 combined and rents their home. The median is the middle or 50th-percentile value. Those statistics come from a report by WeHo by the Numbers, based on US Census Bureau survey data.

The numbers for West Hollywood include Beverly Hills and Hollywood Hills West. That is the smallest area for which the Census Bureau shares its most granular data. The margin of error is wide because of the small sample size (68 gay couples).

The median age of 39 is the center of a broad distribution. The largest group is those in their late 20s. The number slowly declines from the early 30s through the early 60s. Local gay couples are younger than local straight couples: a median of 39 versus 47. They are also younger than gay and straight couples in the Los Angeles region and the state as a whole.

For local gay couples, the median age difference is five years. The age difference is fairly similar for local straight couples and other gay couples. Straight couples in the region and state tend to have a smaller age difference.

The numbers for West Hollywood include Beverly Hills and Hollywood Hills West. That is the smallest area for which the Census Bureau shares its most granular data. The margin of error is wide because of the small sample size (68 gay couples).

The median age of 39 is the center of a broad distribution. The largest group is those in their late 20s. The number slowly declines from the early 30s through the early 60s. Local gay couples are younger than local straight couples: a median of 39 versus 47. They are also younger than gay and straight couples in the Los Angeles region and the state as a whole.


For local gay couples, the median age difference is five years. The age difference is fairly similar for local straight couples and other gay couples. Straight couples in the region and state tend to have a smaller age difference.

Only a quarter of the men in local gay couples are native Californians. Half come from other states. A quarter are from other countries.

Based on the small sample, about 75% of local gay spouses/partners are non-Latino white. The number is about 80% for local straight spouses/partners. The statistics also show that gay couples are much more likely to be interracial or Latino-non-Latino than straight couples. That is true locally, regionally, statewide and nationally. Mixed couples are close to 30% of local gay couples.

None of the 68 male couples in the sample have children at home. The rate is around 10% for male couples in the region, state and country. The rate is six times higher for opposite-sex couples in the region and state, but not locally.

An estimated 60% of local gay spouses/partners have a bachelor’s degree or more. The other 40% have less education, such as a high school diploma or some college. The college-educated rates are in the same range for local straight spouses/partners and gay spouses/partners in the region and state.

Gay couples are more likely to have both spouses/partners employed. That is true for almost 70% of the male couples in the local sample, compared to about 50% for opposite-sex couples locally, regionally, statewide and nationally.

In general, median household incomes appear to be higher for male couples than opposite-sex couples. For example, in the Los Angeles region, it is a $40,000 difference. However, in the local area, the median income for male couples may actually be lower. It is about $115,000 in the sample, compared to $135,000 for opposite-sex couples. It is unclear if the difference is real, because of the small sample size.

Over 60% of local gay couples are renters. The calculation includes couples in Beverly Hills and Hollywood Hills West. For comparison, in West Hollywood alone, about 80% of all residents rent.

To find out more, see the full report, What are the demographics of West Hollywood’s gay couples?

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