Eric Jon Schmidt Is the Fourth Challenger for a WeHo City Council Seat


Another challenger has stepped forward to announce his candidacy in the March 5, 2019, West Hollywood City Council election.

Eric Jon Schmidt, 52, appeared before the City Council last night to announce that he will be running for one of the three seats that will be up for re-election. Those seats currently are filled by John D’Amico and Lauren Meister, who both have said they are running for re-election, and Lindsey Horvath, who has not yet said whether she will run again.

Eric Jon Schmidt

In his bio, Schmidt describes himself as an avid volunteer with organizations such as Heal the Bay and Project Angel Food. He is also an advocate for the disabled, helping them deal with employment, legal, medical, financial and housing issues. He has served in the U.S. Army and as a fitness trainer.

With his partner, Jack Cline, Schmidt formed the “West Hollywood Cheerleaders Eastside,” which he describes as a group that promotes parades and marches and awareness of community issues.

In a statement provided to WEHOville, Schmidt says he will not accept campaign contributions. His long list of civic concerns includes improving public safety, expanding programs that serve low income and disabled seniors, a more positive approach to the city’s Eastside and ensuring that the compensation of city employees is in line with that of similar municipalities.

Schmidt to date is one of four challengers who have announced their candidacy. Others include Duke Mason, a member of the city’s Lesbian and Gay Advisory Board and a previous candidate; Timothy Williams, On social media Williams, who is head of a production company called Haus of Liontruth, and Tom deMille, a local artist.

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6 years ago

How about a legitimate resume rather than a testimonial from a friend?
A list actual accomplishments would be helpful.

Eric Jon Schmidt
6 years ago

J. Simmons: I agree. Sexual misconduct is a terrible thing. I have never engaged in sexual misconduct, Any sex that I have engaged in has been consensual. consensual sex is not misconduct.

J Simmons
J Simmons
6 years ago

Before choosing, we the voters need full disclosure of sexual misconduct by some City Council Members seeking reelection.
It works both ways. Sexual improper actions by subordinates is grounds for resignation/removal. #TimesUp