In March 2016, then mayor Lindsey Horvath declared Donald Trump unwelcome in West Hollywood. But apparently the highly controversial president of the United States is welcome in Beverly Hills, where he will be attending a fundraiser tomorrow night.
But he’s not welcomed by everyone. Heading to Beverly Hills this evening are members and supporters of Equality California, the state LGBTQ rights organization, and the American Civil Liberties Union, who will be protesting Trump’s visit.
The protest will take place from 4 to 7 p.m. at Beverly Gardens Park at 9439 Santa Monica Blvd.
This will be Trump’s first visit to California since he took office.
The location of the fundraiser hasn’t been disclosed. According to the Los Angeles Times, it is being hosted by Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, national finance chairman Todd Ricketts and deputy national finance chairman Elliott Broidy. A contribution of $35,000 will get you a seat at the dinner table. But participating in the roundtable discussion and photo op will cost more, with the contributions for that topping out at $250,000 per person.
Tomorrow will a long day for Trump, who will head to San Diego to inspect models for his proposed border wall with Mexico. After the fundraiser in Beverly Hills, Trump is unlikely to spend the night in his $7 million, five-bedroom home at 809 N. Canon Drive at the corner of Sunset Boulevard. He’s more likely to bunk in his favorite Beverly Hills Hotel, the one owned by the Sultan of Brunei, infamous for his declaration that he is imposing Sharia laws that call for the stoning to death or butchering of women who have sex outside of marriage and anyone who has sex with someone of the same gender.
Several West Hollywood residents have reached out to WEHOville to say they intend to give Trump a “welcome” at the Beverly Gardens Park rally.
Oh, why “The” Donald?”
I find it offensive when people use a favored nickname for such an offensive biped.
he doesn’t care what this website thinks. really. goodness knows, i don’t.
Yes, it’s frightening that the city of tolerance, rainbows and parades “won’t let” the President of the United States into the town of West Hollywood. As an American gay, I am embarrassed and totally confused. Is this resistance? TO WHAT? The President cannot be stopped from going to any town. Was Obama, who vehemently opposed gay marriage during his first term so as not to alienate black voters, not allowed in West HOllywood? Or are the citizens’ memories foggy on that? I believe BOTH Clintons felt the same. Pander for our vote and forget us. Wake up West HOllywood, we’re… Read more »
This goes far, far beyond his stance on gay marriage, which, last I checked, he supports (or wants to leave it in the state’s hands). At the same time, his administration has implemented policies that go against the interest of LGBT citizens, including transgender people in the military, etc.. Of course he can legally go wherever he wants. At the same time, we have the right to exercise our freedom of speech by saying “we don’t want you here,” or “you aren’t welcome here.” I don’t want him here. It disgusts me that his first visit after assuming office is… Read more »
Also, this idea that we have to be “tolerant” of people who are intolerant, is an argument I’m tired of. Progressives want the world to be a better place for women, minorities and LGBT people. I’m proud to say that I’m intolerant of hateful people, such as our president. West Hollywood is a haven for those who accept others for who they are. If it makes me intolerant to not welcome people that share that viewpoint into our city, then so be it. I think that argument makes no sense. I don’t have to “tolerate” hateful people, such as our… Read more »
I was there, and to my surprise there wasn’t any City Officials, City Council Members or Candidates at the event.
what evidence do you have that “He’s more likely to bunk in his favorite Beverly Hills Hotel” ?
I’m going to guess that it is because of his history of staying there? I looked up his place on Canon Drive, and that certainly looks like a difficult place to secure. It looks like he stayed in DTLA, but I’m not sure. I’ll just be happy when he’s gone, if he isn’t already.
That is what the coverage stated.
LA Times, I believe.
I’m not going to link it for you, though.
One in every three Californians voted for Trump. They are not all white working class. They are a part of millions more who are feed up with East of the Hudson and Potomac River so-called elites. Swamp people. Wall Street types, Bankers, White male CEOs, the Weinstein’s along with white media talking heads, multi millionaires like the ludicrous Morning Joe Scarborough. Locally, they were voting against the John Duran types who for decades have been available for pay to play to any white male New York developer types with a check book. As for WEHO blocking Trump, give me a… Read more »
Two out of three Californians voted for Hillary Clinton, and nearly three million more Americans voted for her than Trump. He’s a minority president. He lacks a mandate.
Trump doesn’t need a mandate to have his FBI investigate conflicts of interest at West Hollywood City Hall.
After listening to Sec. of State Rex Tillerson moments ago it is clear that Trump felt diminished by his very presence as a tenacious diplomatic entity. From the start it appeared that Tillerson was the man that should have been in charge. Trump appointed him for his skills and fired him for executing those very abilities. The space between these two individuals is remarkable in temperament and abilities. A Boy Scout that worked his way up the ladder the old fashioned way. Yes, folks serve at the pleasure of the President but having a President that is given to conflict… Read more »
As impressive a man as Rex Tillerson is, he will probably go down in history as one of the worst Sec’ys of State.
Didn’t communicate outside of his small circle.
Didn’t utilize the talent.
Cut the staff.
Didn’t fill foreign service positions. White House blocked many of his picks, though.
Took an embarrassing amount of crap from POTUS.
“Tenacious diplomatic entity?” What papers did you read?
Promoting democracy shouldn’t include guns & armed forces, but it apparently does.
Guess it’s promoting war; not democracy.
What a mess.
If $35,000 to $250,000 guarantees one a seat at the table, photo-ops and such one will also likely come away with eternal mental, physical and emotional indigestion.
Chump not welcome
I will be there. Eric Jon Schmidt for City Council 2019.