Exodus Meets Broadway and Hollywood at Temple Beth El’s ‘Some Enchanted Pesach Seder’


The Exodus meets Broadway and Hollywood at “Some Enchanted Pesach Seder” for the second night of Passover at Hollywood Temple Beth El. It is a mélange of traditional and contemporary texts with imagination in song and story.

“Some Enchanted Pesach Seder” is on Saturday, March 31, at 7:30 p.m. at 1317 N. Crescent Heights Blvd. at Fountain in West Hollywood.

hollywood temple beth elThe second night Seder provides an opportunity for a different take on the Seder. In an announcement of the night, Temple Beth El says: “Join us this year as we add to our four cups and four questions and four children, music from modern show songs that we all know and some light-hearted takes on ancient themes by some kosher ‘hams,’ all created, produced, and enacted by our participants at the Seder table.”

There will be gourmet Kosher for Passover cuisine. An early bird special rate for purchases by March 20 is $50 for adults, $20 for children under 12 and $35 for students. Special group rates are available for eight or more. After March 20, the price goes up to $80, subject to availability. The deadline for making a purchase is Tuesday, March 27.

Registration and purchases can be done online.

This Seder is in conjunction with Passover Across America, a National Jewish Outreach Project. For information, call (323) 656-3150.

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Eric Jon Schmidt
Eric Jon Schmidt
6 years ago

I’m not sure what it is, but I want to learn about it. Jack and I will be there.
