Gay Men’s Chorus to Honor Ana Navarro at 7th Annual Voice Awards


Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles (GMCLA) will present political strategist and LGBTQ ally Ana Navarro with its “Outspoken Voice Award” during the 7th annual Voice Awards on May 5 at the Dolby Ballroom in Hollywood.

Ana Navarro

“With the current political climate, the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles felt it important to honor someone whose voice rings loud and clear across both sides of the aisle,” said GMCLA Executive Director Jonathan Weedman. “No one exemplifies this straight-forward candor more than Ana Navarro. She has been outspoken on many LGBT issues including marriage equality and her vehement opposition to so-called ‘bathroom bills.’ And it’s especially fitting that we are honoring Ms. Navarro on Cinco de Mayo. In addition to her LGBT advocacy, she has long been a champion of immigrants’ rights. We are thrilled she will join us at the Voice Awards.”

A recognizable face on CNN, CNN en Espanol, Telemundo and ABC News, and a recurring panelist on ABC’s “The View,” Navarro is known for her commentary regarding current political events. GMCLA selected Navarro to receive its “Outspoken Voice Award” based on her advocacy of pro-LGBTQ causes – particularly her support of same-sex marriage – especially when it has not been politically popular in her role as a Republican strategist.

During the evening’s awards ceremony, GMCLA also will honor 17-year-old Crescenta Valley High School senior Zach Johnson with the first-ever “Rising Voice Award” for using his voice to advance LGBTQ causes and better the lives of fellow LGBTQ young people.

Johnson serves as senior class vice president and coordinated this year’s “Ally Week” with the Gay-Straight Alliance, which invited GMCLA to bring its “Alive Music Project” to the school. Most recently, Johnson organized and led his school’s walkout against gun violence, following the shootings in Parkland, Fla.

He has used his story of coming out at 15 through the power of social media to raise funds for The Trevor Project and to educate others in an upcoming documentary series entitled “Room To Grow. ”


The Voice Awards honor individuals and institutions who raise their voice to advance social justice and equality. The proceeds of the Voice Awards gala go to support GMCLA’s youth and community outreach programs, including the Alive Music Project, which has reached over 50,000 L.A.-area middle and high school students and “Arts for Incarcerated Youth,” which brings music and music education to youth in juvenile detention facilities.

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