Tequila and Fists: A Feisty Celebration of Cinco de Mayo in West Hollywood


Cinco de Mayo isn’t much of a holiday in Mexico (As Britain’s The Independent explains, it was an attack by French forces on Pueblo de Los Angeles in Mexico on May 5, 1862 – the Mexicans won).

In the United States, it has become a celebration of our Mexican-American community. And a celebration, fostered by alcohol manufacturers, of tequila and other booze.

That’s made clear in the YouTube video posted above that illustrates the after-effects of a day of bar crawling in West Hollywood’s Boystown. Those familiar with the area will note that the incident occurs in the alleyway behind the Post Office building on San Vicente Boulevard, just north of Santa Monica.

“The Real Drunk Girls of West Hollywood,” is what the poster titled it. “Happy Cinco de Mayo! Don’t get too drunk kids. Gay Rumble! Boystown.”

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J Simmons
J Simmons
6 years ago

According (I think) Last Week Tonight’s host John Oliver, did a bit on Cinco-de-mayo …… and interviewed a Mexican Woman (in Mexico – a clip from anther reporting source) say that in fact despite the U.S. going crazy for the holiday, it really isn’t celebrated in the actual Country of Mexico. Certainly nothing like the boozy holiday we treat it as (no dis to Tequila …. at all)

6 years ago

Why weren’t these girls arrested for public intoxication?

Efrem Ford
Efrem Ford
6 years ago

The idiot who “laughed” through the entire filming should be in jail. Fool

Awesome weho
Awesome weho
6 years ago

Drunk straight people need to stay out of weho, but also, disturbing is the gay guy recording the fight and laughing. Yeah, it’s hilarious fun watching a grown man throw a woman to the ground by her hair. If he did that to a drunk gay kid, would it still be funny? Nah, you’d be calling in hate crime.

6 years ago
Reply to  Awesome weho

Agreed. Nothing funny about this, at all. And I’m not even sure it is news-worthy. This is on TMZ, with the title “CINCO DE MAYO BACK ALLEY BRAWL CHICKS VS. DUDES!!!”

Jim Nasium
Jim Nasium
6 years ago

The new CSW board after a meeting.

6 years ago

them drunk straight girls. sigh

6 years ago

I witnessed this fight. I came up upon it while it was still outside of Revolver and then it worked its way up the street in to the alley. Bystanders tried to break it up but those girls were just out of control.

6 years ago
Reply to  CK

Then someone should have restrained them or called the cops or walked away not hit them in the face and throw them on the ground.

6 years ago
Reply to  CK

I saw this fight soon after it started as well- (people were calling the police almost immediately) no one could stop them- even bouncers from a bar came over to try to separate these women but the drunk women were totally uncontrollable and hitting everyone. And just to get the facts right the large person in white shirt is a girl – saw that news reporters and TMZ team assumed it was a man hitting women. Also saw on the local news that it was mentioned that this drunken behavior is the result of “over-serving by bartenders”. These ladies were… Read more »

6 years ago

I don’t see the humor. I see people getting drunk on gmo alcohol filled with pesticides mixed with their unresolved issues and big pharma. People don’t act this way unless they have problem and are unaware of what they’re consuming.

WeHo Resident
WeHo Resident
6 years ago
Reply to  MryJtc

Sounds like someone else needs to lay off the pesticides, that or it’s time for a new tin foil hat. Calm down mryjte, 4th of July is just around the corner.

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