Campaign Fundraiser for Duke Mason to Be Hosted by Family and Friends


From local business owners, to major lobbyists, to entertainment industry execs, the race is on to raise money to support candidates in the March 5, 2019, West Hollywood City Council election.

Duke Mason

James Duke Mason is the third declared candidate to be the focus of a fundraising event this year. That event will be at the Sierra Towers home of Paul Alan Smith, a literary agent. To date, the host committee includes Mason’s parents, Belinda Carlisle and Morgan Mason; Mark Itkin, former partner at WME and the “architect” of reality TV, and Cooper Hefner, son of Hugh Hefner and Playboy’s CCO.

The event takes place on June 21 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $200, with a maximum contribution of $500.

Incumbent Councilmember John D’Amico had a fundraising event on May 31 that was hosted by lobbyists Steve Afriat, Jim Arnone and Jeffrey Seymour. Councilmember Lauren Meister’s fundraising event was held on May 16 at Micky’s, the bar on Santa Monica Boulevard. The host committee include Micky’s owner Michael Niemeyer, Tom Doherty and Rick Bicanovsky of Cafe D’Etoile, Marta Knittel and Shoshana Joseph of Yogurt Stop, Nicklaus Fox, who performs as Helen Back with Weho Cheer, and Bobby Trendy.

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6 years ago

Hey Duke,
Your a good guy and I like ya alot but man get a real job and do something with your life. Seems to me you need to run for office to validate your ego. Get a career, learn how to earn a buck, struggle a little, and do you really need mommy to host your fundraiser.?. will she also be making the decisions on the council for you too?
More than any other candidate you will be the first sellout to the big money and thats why I just cant vote for you.

Ken Howard
6 years ago

I have known Duke for many years now, and he is a fine person and a fine candidate. He brings a youthful vitality to our city government, and yet knows our city’s history and legacies. I urge folks to get to know him. He’s smart, articulate, educated, insightful, responsive to constituents, and a great promise for sound leadership for the future of our city. He has my support; I encourage others to lend theirs.

randy g.
randy g.
6 years ago
Reply to  Ken Howard

He is smart. driven and aware of the issues. Vote Duke!

Guy Next Door
Guy Next Door
6 years ago

Please don’t vote for this person, I live next to him and all he does all day is watch MSNBC and then calls people on the phone and reiterates their callow, substance-less talking points as if he has any insight whatsoever. Vote for someone who leaves their house and actually interacts with the people that they want to represent. We have enough failsons in politics as it is.

Eric Jon Schmidt
Eric Jon Schmidt
6 years ago

This comment is in no way directed at Mr. Mason. I don’t know him. I will never understand why Candidates have “Fundraising Events”. Why do they need money for their campaign? I believe that if you put your platform out there, get to know the real people in the Community on the grass roots level, listen to them, if they like and trust you they will Vote for you. No amount of money will get anyone elected. It’s all about who you are, what you stand for and what your plans are for West Hollywood. Serving on Committees is fine… Read more »

6 years ago

“No amount of money will get anyone elected.” So it is just a coincidence that Duran, D’Amico and Heilman were elected, even though they had more to spend than their opponents? Who pays for the law signs? The advertisements? Those cost something. Like it or not, that is how our political system works. One can argue about where the money should or not should come from, but that’s how it works. Advertisements are what raise awareness on who to vote for, for those who are less politically involved and educated. Do you think Gavin Newsom just won the primary without… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Randy

“Lawn signs,” that is.

6 years ago

One doesn’t win a campaign by just posting on WehoVille. Candidates need to advertise and that takes money.