‘Refuse Facism’ Group Demonstrates in WeHo Against Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee


RefuseFascism.org, a New York City-based group organized to oppose Donald Trump, staged its rally yesterday at WeHo’s Matthew Shepard Triangle Memorial Park but didn’t attract many followers. There were, however, drivers who honked their horns to show their appreciation.

The rally took place at 5:30 p.m. and was a protest of Trump’s nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court. That nominee was Judge Brett Kavanaugh, to fill Justice Anthony Kennedy’s seat.

At the rally, RefuseFascism.org’s Los Angeles chapter unveiled seven five-foot tall posters containing “indictments of the Trump/Pence regime” which the group says “comprehensively detail the crimes already carried out by the Trump/Pence regime against Muslims; against immigrants; against women and LGTBQ people; against the people of the world through war; against truth, science and the environment; and against Black people and other people of color.“

WEHOville’s Enoch Miller was on the scene and interviews organizer Duck Ocean in the video posted above.

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Luis Augustus
6 years ago

Unfortunate that Stormy Daniels wasn’t at the event instead of being arrested for lap dancing last night at an Ohio Strip Club.

Stormy, Mayor John “Grindr” Durans key to WEHO personality, would have given the event some “class”!

She would have brought out many more onlookers than I saw while driving past the “event” on my way from BH to WEHO.

Of course, the Stormy fans could probably care less about Supreme Court picks and would have storming Stormy for an autograph!

Cy Husain
6 years ago
Reply to  Luis Augustus

No thank you! Serious Progressive Political Movements are doing well in the absence of those attached to the exploitative porn industry and their reactionary fans. Though Mayor John Duran has a distinguished career as an Attorney defending the rights of many oppressed groups of people, he recently came up with a BAD IDEA in choosing who to promote in City events. So do the good people of the Great City of West Hollywood a great favor and, show the comment section the same indifference you have for the make up of the Supreme Court or any other serious political issue.… Read more »

Cy Husain
6 years ago

Unlike the pro-Trump promoting internet trolls, I actually attended the rally and am from West Hollywood as opposed to working in a room full of PAID right-wing internet trolls! Anyone who actually has been to West Hollywood around Matthew Shepard Triangle Memorial Park knows that the traffic is not only bad but, many times drivers are not even willing to yield to the pedestrian’s right of way without giving you an unkind gesture. From the time I was there form 5:30 to 7:30 PM the reaction from the traffic was almost 99% positive, drivers showing their support, putting down their… Read more »

6 years ago

WEHOville’s Enoch Miller sounds more excited about this protest than the organizer. What a shame.

Be Construstive
Be Construstive
6 years ago

Please folks be cleaver and more constructive. Folks are tone deaf to rants. Put the energy into something significant.

6 years ago

Thank you. I, and probably others, needed that reminder. And I mean that.