City Council Candidate Duke Mason Announces Major Campaign Contributions


Duke Mason, a challenger in the March 5, 2018 West Hollywood City Council election, has announced that he has raised nearly $30,000 in contributions thus far.

James Duke Mason

The contributions are, Mason says in a Facebook announcement, “more than any non-incumbent at this point in the race in West Hollywood history.” Mason noted that the $29,035 raised for his campaign thus far is more than he raised in the entirety of his unsuccessful 2015 campaign.

Other candidates will be announcing their contributions soon. The filing deadline for this first cycle of campaign fundraising is July 31 and covers donations through July 30.

Mason, who announced his candidacy in December 2017, will be running against incumbents John D’Amico and Lauren Meister, who have already filed the required paperwork for their re-election campaigns.

Councilmember Lindsey Horvath has yet to file for re-election, leading some to speculate that she hopes to be named to a state level position if Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom is elected governor in November of this year. Horvath has dismissed that rumor as unsubstantiated.

Other challengers are Eric Jon Schmidt, a political novice whose campaign has attracted attention because his claims of transparency include his posting a link on Facebook to online videos of him having sex with other men, and Timothy Williams, another political novice who announced his candidacy in December and will be the first African-American candidate in West Hollywood.


Mason has been involved in civic life in West Hollywood for a number of years. He currently serves on the city’s Lesbian and Gay Advisory Board and formerly was a member of the board of the West Hollywood Community Development Corp.

“People are hungry for something different, for a new generation of leadership to step up and lead us forward into the future,” Mason said in his Facebook announcement. “So many of our biggest challenges – the housing crisis, homelessness, the difficulties facing small businesses, protecting and expanding rent control – require a new City Council member who isn’t afraid to take them on and fight for real, tangible solutions that will improve the lives of our residents.”

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6 years ago

Duke is someone who has been passionate about politics for a very long time and has learned a thing or two from his political father. This isn’t a casual endeavor for him – he is serious and smart and brings fresh, new ideas to the table. Time to get rid of the old wood and bring in some new blood!

Brian Hamilton
Brian Hamilton
6 years ago

Just what we don’t need: Another HEILMAN hand-puppet. No thanks.
I also agree with Don Jones. Lauren Meister is the only one that should be re-elected.

Cole Ettman
Cole Ettman
6 years ago

Duke had great intentions at first, but if he thinks the council needs new young leadership, why did he sell out to support John Heilman, the one who said he wouldn’t run for reelection, but then did with his campaign bankrolled by special interests and being run out of a developers office. That developers project was approved at the next council meeting after he won the election. John, when finally kicked out by term limits, will have been a councilman for 40 years!!!

Michael G.
Michael G.
6 years ago

Duke would be great. Why should he run out and get a college degree? I believe he was a page in the SenateAnd that probably is worth a BA right there. College degrees mean massive debts and much of the time a waste of time. It is also time to have someone under 40 serving on the City Council besides Ms Horvath. Duke is a charming and knowledgeable young man. Go for it. He has my vote.

6 years ago
Reply to  Michael G.

Not massive debts for him. He was raised at the top of society, and although he really does care, doesn’t truly understand the issues of a “regular” person.

Don Jones
Don Jones
6 years ago
Reply to  Michael G.

Age is not platform! Charming is not a platform!

We need someone that will read the city council agendas and the staff reports plus ask questions to staff and the consultants regarding the big issues of zoning and budgeting priorities.

Enough of of these city council people who accept BIG dollars from developers and then rubber stamp every project. Ms. Meister is the only one that should be re-elected. She’s the only one doing the job she was elected for.

Ryan Lindell
Ryan Lindell
6 years ago

With all of the growth and subsequent problems in WeHo, along with rising crime and homelessness, what experience does Duke bring? I don’t care who his parents are, if he grew up with a silver spoon, or if he has big political dreams; he has NO experience. Yet.

Sheldon W. Helms
6 years ago

I think Duke is MORE than qualified to be a leader in our community. He has proven himself intimately aware of, and concerned about, very real-world problems. I don’t understand the American obsession with “poor people who became successful,” nor the bias against people who come from a family with means. I was raised by a poor (and, later, working-class) family, but that doesn’t automatically make me qualified to run for office. Duke’s parents’ successes and financial situation has precisely ZERO bearing on him as a man, or as a politician. He is concerned with keeping West Hollywood a place… Read more »

weho voter
weho voter
6 years ago

isnt he a party boy jetsetting all around with martini in hand from monte carlo to the next drink and grindr trick himself. how moronic that some people here think education is non-important in government service or think his experience on a board counts for anything. he has accomplished very very little on his own. he sold out his own platform last time he ran and that will be the last time i vote for him, how can a guy run as an outsider and then suck up to all the powerful money interests and entrenched people to get an… Read more »

Friend of Duke
Friend of Duke
6 years ago

Dukes a good guy and he has access to money but he has no real world work experience, He got appointed because his mom made an appearance for John Heilman. In the last election it was shocking to watch him talk about all this change and then flip and endorse the oldest status quo. Serving on a board is hardly a criteria for a council member. Excelling in college or as an attorney to understand legal ramification so decisions on council do not invite lawsuits or having real life experience other than saying lets go grab a drink at the… Read more »

Drew P.
Drew P.
6 years ago

Duke is pursuing leadership in the City of West Hollywood the way I want someone to pursue it: serve on a few boards/commissions in order to broadly understand the system and its key players, while at the same time learning fully the specific issues those boards/commissions focus on. He’s also run for council in the past and seems to get that you have to run more than once to prove your seriousness and mettle. We should encourage this kind of behavior as we cultivate new leaders from our neighborhoods. I support Duke, but even if I didn’t agree with his… Read more »

6 years ago

I agree with Nate. Real politician please. Not someone riding their mother’s success.

6 years ago

Sadly, I agree that Duke is not qualified, albeit passionate and well-meaning. He has no form of higher education or job experience to speak of. I get the sense he’s looking to become a career politician without actually putting in the grit it takes, when we need business leaders and community activists to step up to the plate and make needed changes.

Watching MSNBC and having hot takes on the latest national issues doesn’t make someone qualified to lead West Hollywood… at least finish a college degree first!

6 years ago
Reply to  Fred

Fred, look at the value of a college diploma these days, and see if you can still say this with a straight face. Get with the times, friend.

Andrea Reider
6 years ago

Might be a decent young man, but does not have the gravitas or experience required for the office.

I still like some of his mom’s old pop songs, but not enough to vote for her kid.

6 years ago

The incumbents continual wasting of taxpayer dollars by having this municipal elections in March, rather than November ensure a lower turnout at the polls.

6 years ago
Reply to  Steve

@Steve – this Council actually moved all elections to the regular November elections cycle going forward. This next March will be the last one on the old cycle before the move to November in 2020. So these incumbents – the five currently serving – actually took steps to address this very issue.

6 years ago
Reply to  Adam

Thanks for the clarification Adam. Finally, some logic!