“Cakes” | Cazwell


First off, I am a huge Cazwell fan and the amazing videos he does with so many sexy boys. I think if anyone has mastered the art of a “man harem” it would be Cazwell.

So basically, if you haven’t figured it out this song is all about them “Cakes” aka boys with big ole booty. And Cazwell ain’t putting up with anything that doesn’t come over with a “meal” for him to snack on. The entire song is basically a double entendre for things like, “you got cake I got icing, flip it over let me see that nice thing…” and “I’m gonna put a candle in it blow it out nicely…”.

Also just visually with all that ass you have just bouncing around I am surprised they didn’t cause a mini earthquake. Make sure that you have something to clean up with after or just have a cold shower ready. This is more like a series of popular online games than what is described above.

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