WeHo City Council Will Consider Asking for Removal of Trump Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame

The damaged Trump star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (Source: Instagram for John Gregory, ABC 7 News)

The West Hollywood City Council, some of whose members have stepped up their focus on Donald Trump in recent months, will consider Monday whether to ask that the Donald Trump star be removed from the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

The proposal, brought forth by council members John D’Amico and Lindsey Horvath, would have the city reach out to the Los Angeles City Council and the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce to remove the star. The Trump star has been vandalized several times since Trump was sworn into office as president in 2017, and there have been raucous demonstratons around it.

Trump received a star on the Walk of Fame in 2007 for his work as producer of the Miss Universe Pageant. Subsequently he also starred in “The Apprentice.”

A document explaining the proposal calls out Trump’s treatment of women, including his efforts to cover up allegations of abuse. “Similar to how certain members of the entertainment community have been removed from the Academy of Motion Pictures, due to their actions toward women, reflecting a stance on their values by the Academy, this is an opportunity for decision-makers to take a stand on their values in support of women and against disturbing treatment of women,” the document states. It also cites a number of other actions or statements by Trump such as withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, reversal of a policy to allow transgender people to serve in the military and the separation of migrant children from their parents at the U.S. border with Mexico, all of which “have not met the shared values of the City of West Hollywood, the region, state and country.”

The Walk of Fame is a nearly two-mile stretch of sidewalk on Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street created 40 years ago. In it are imbedded 2,500 coral terrazzo and brass stars dedicated to famed members of the entertainment industry.

The most recent fight around the star occurred on Sunday, when Los Angeles Police Department officers tried to keep Trump fans away from Trump haters. One man, a Trump opponent, was arrested.


In July a man used a pickax to smash the star. He later turned himself into the police. In October 2016 the star was attacked by a man carrying a pickax and a sledgehammer. He was sentenced to three years probation and 20 days of community service fined $4,400 for the damage. The City of Los Angeles is responsible for repairing such damage.

The West Hollywood City Council’s aversion to Trump reaches back as far as May 2016, when then-Mayor Horvath mailed a statement to her supporters and to Trump saying he was not welcome in West Hollywood. That statement got national attention, with Horvath interviewed on MSNBC and CNN. There have been a number of other protests against Trump and his policies since then. Mayor John Duran declared May 23 “Stormy Daniels Day” to honor the porn actress whose lawsuit against Trump has raised questions about his fidelity. Duran also hosted last week a panel discussion with Michael Avenatti, the lawyer representing Daniels, and other political figures to discuss politics in Washington.

The proposal is on the City Council’s consent agenda, which is a long list of proposals that the Council can support in one vote unless a particular Council member pulls it for futher discussion. The Council will meet on Monday at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at 625 N. San Vicente Blvd. Parking is free in the five-story structure behind the chambers with a ticket validated in the lobby.

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6 years ago

Who knew that West Hollywood was so perfect that our elected officials had time to worry about frivolous issues like a silly ornament on Hollywood Blvd.
There are no crime, homelessness, traffic, housing issues anymore. They are a magical bunch.
The hysterics over Trump has reached a mental illness stage by extreme drama queens plain and simple. It is really tiresome and old already…grow up!

Mark Christian Miller
Mark Christian Miller
6 years ago

Hmm….I could hop on my scooter and weave through the traffic lanes on Fountain to check, but I believe that the Walk of Fame is still not in West Hollywood. Have our borders been moved? Did I miss something?

6 years ago

My vote too…

6 years ago

What is wrong with our City Council? They can’t seem to keep their focus on our City. The issue of Trump’s Star on the Walk of Fame is none of our business and it was already announced that it would NOT be removed no matter how many times it has been or will be defaced. D’Amico seems to be trying to lose the upcoming election. Horvath hasn’t even announced whether she is running again. Have you noticed that D’Amico never does anything alone, it is always with another member of the Council? We need more people of quality to run… Read more »

Scott J Sigman
Scott J Sigman
6 years ago

Why waste time? its just more publicity for trump. Tired of all of the little political issues nd little hands and little rocket man. Just tell me where the real policticians went. Did they go out of style like hip stewardesses. Has Hamilton the musical change our entire government? Duels maybe we need them maybe we dont. Plastic guns. electric Scooters, Trump does something stupid and every comic has to reply. Get Original. Hell take the star and give it to NEIL DeGrasse TYSON and let himsent it to PLUTO? What a wast of time and money? a star on… Read more »

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
6 years ago

Focus dear council! While I share extreme disdain for the current occupant of the oval office, this council’s incessant need for national attention has become a crazed obsession. Pass your quaint resolutions, hand out silly keys to the city, blah, blah blah. But if I might borrow a phrase, WeHoFirst! I think it’s time for council representation that reflects the values of all residents–those values relate to crime, congestion, homelessness, quality of life, parking, city services, garbage collection and more municipal matters over grandstanding publicity stunts designed to enhance political reputations for higher office.

Awesome Weho
Awesome Weho
6 years ago

How about spending some time and energy on OUR sidewalks?

Where is our Enhanced Sidewalk Cleaning and Security Services program?? It was supposed to begin in phases on July 1. Has anyone seen evidence of anything? Doubt it.

6 years ago
Reply to  Awesome Weho

Aren’t we already paying extra for parking so this happens?https://twitter.com/WeHoCity/status/989602596519280646

6 years ago

How many argument’s, fights, brawls over the person the star represents. Sorry folks, but this is only going to get worse. I support the removal because the person whom it represents is the cause of dangerous, hazard to Public Safety.

It’s a ‘Public Safety’ and the Council of West Hollywood should lobby for the removal. Push L.A. and Hollywood before all these physical attacks culminate into something far worse.

Jim Nasium
Jim Nasium
6 years ago

Removing the star won’t make him go away. This request only makes Weho look small, frivolous and sadly delusional. The city is better than this.

Cy Husain
6 years ago
Reply to  Jim Nasium

No, but removing it would cause him to go into an epic twitter tirade and, make the rest of us feel much better! 😀

Cy Husain
6 years ago

Trump should have never had the star in Hollywood’s walk of fame in the first place, his media contributions have never been of that significance but, his $40,000 fee paid to the Hollywood chamber of commerce and self nomination was!

6 years ago

I’m proud to be part of a community with liberal values, that makes statements at a national level, and they are representing the majority that lives here. Every single precinct in West Hollywood voted for Clinton, 85% or higher.

Tom, even if it doesn’t happen (it won’t), it is a statement of resistance, which will probably gain media traction, and that makes it worth the effort. Ruben, being liberal *is* part of the city’s business, and always has been. One of the many things West Hollywood was founded on is liberal values, and I love it for that.

Tom Smart
Tom Smart
6 years ago

I don’t like Trump but here we go again meddling into something that won’t happen and isn’t worth the effort. Hopefully they didn’t spend too much time discussing this issue. Besides, if Trump should be removed, so should many others with shameful pasts.