I stumbled across this hilarious gay comedy series called “West 40s” which follows five gay friends stumbling through their 40s in Hell’s Kitchen NYC. In this first episode, a 40th birthday party for Luis goes hilariously screwy, and the gang ends up in places they never expected. It’s a show about daddies, twinks, go-go boys, sex, love and back pain.
They really dive into what it is like to be an older gay man and still trying to feel sexy and alive in a sea of younger gay men that just seem to only want to have sex 24/7.
As a gay man who is about to turn 30 and at a time where men start worrying about getting older and the effects that time is starting to have on their bodies. We are constantly trying to remain beautiful and relevant in a gay society that demands a constant “camera ready” attitude to be looked at in a positive light.
I feel this episode really captures that anxiety and fear of getting older with a great comedic twist that gets you super excited for the next episode. I can’t wait for more to come out and all the hilarity that will ensue.