John Erickson Named to West Hollywood Planning Commission


John Erickson, director of public affairs at Planned Parenthood Los Angeles and the president of the National Organization for Women’s Hollywood chapter, has been named to the West Hollywood Planning Commission.

John Erickson

City Councilmember John Heilman announced Erickson’s appointment last night. He will replace David Aghaei, another Heilman appointee, who is leaving the commission because he is moving from West Hollywood.

The Planning Commission, which has seven members, is arguably the most important of the 15 advisory boards and commissions serving the City of West Hollywood. Its members review proposed new developments and grant or deny requests for variances to the city’s zoning code.

Erickson, 32, has been active in civic affairs for a number of years. He currently serve on the city’s Lesbian and Gay Advisory Board. He has worked as deputy to former City Councilmember Abbe Land and a community events technician for the city. Erickson also served as the president of the West Hollywood Municipal Employees Union (WEHOME), AFSCME Local 3339, AFL-CIO.

In 2017, Gov. Jerry Brown appointed Erickson to the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls, the first man so appointed. He currently serves as president of the Hollywood Chapter for the National Organization for Women, is on the board of the ACLU of Southern California and is chair of the Legislative Committee for the Stonewall Democratic Club.

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Eric Jon Schmidt
Eric Jon Schmidt
6 years ago

My friend, Jack Cline and I went to a meeting of the Gay and Lesbian Board where Erickson said: “We are all Lesbians” there was absolutely nothing said about the concerns of Gay Men. It was all about women. I have a page on my website about the meeting. I don’t think Erickson is a good choice for the planning commission. This should be a position voted on by the Residents in an informal election and not an appointed position by friends on the Council.

Rob Bergstein
Rob Bergstein
6 years ago

congratulations to John and thank you to John Heilman for appointing this incredible man to Planning Commission.
I want to also thank David Aghaei for his many years of service to The City and wish him well wherever he lands!

Adam Bass
Adam Bass
6 years ago

I’m so excited to work with John, and believe Councilmember Heilman made a great selection.

John’s resume is impressive – and his work within West Hollywood City Hall to his leadership and advocacy for residents of West Hollywood will make him a strong Commissioner on this panel that helps shape the future of our City. Additionally, I”m really glad John will join me as a voice for the Eastside of the City.

Congrats Commissioner Erickson – welcome to the Planning Commission.

Judi K Erickson
Judi K Erickson
6 years ago
Reply to  Adam Bass

I am so very proud of my cousin John Erickson. and I am loving to watch his work continue to grow. If I were living closer, I would volunteer to help him.
Keep up your considerate, good work, John. Your family loves you. xo

John Erickson
John Erickson
6 years ago
Reply to  Adam Bass

Thank you, Adam. I’m so happy to see more East Side representation on this important commission. I am looking forward to serving with you and the other esteemed commissioners.

Josh Kurpies
Josh Kurpies
6 years ago
Reply to  Adam Bass

I agree! Congrats Commissioner Erickson!

jimmy palmieri
6 years ago

congrats john! i am so happy for you and weho.

John Erickson
John Erickson
6 years ago
Reply to  jimmy palmieri

Thank you, my friend! I’m happy to be of service to my community!

6 years ago

We could if the authors wanted to disclose.

6 years ago

Can we hear about the part of his resume that relates to potential decisions about development? What have been some of his decisions that relate to sound judgement in the growth of Weho?