“Pretty Privilege” | Michael Henry


Pretty Privilege what is it and why do all gay men want it? Michael Henry, along with Eduardo Sanchez-Ubanell, discuss the intricacies of what it means to be a person with pretty privilege. So the “doctor defined” (by no real doctor at all) explanation of what Pretty Privilege is goes as follows: “Pretty Privilege is when one has a really great face, a full head of hair, sexy eyebrows, tight ass, quarter sized nipples and 8 inch penis. It is all the traits that gay men like”… and Eduardo claims to have them all.

He goes on to explain to Michael that although having pretty privilege is something you must be “born with”, and it is also something that can be a huge struggle for one to bare.

I know they are making fun of this definition right now but the sad thing is I know way too many people like this. Who are gorgeous people and they freaking know it and like to rub it in everyone’s faces. As Michael, so elegantly states at the end of the video, “pretty fades but I will be funny forever.” Amen sister, amen.

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