Small Crowd Turns Out for ‘Trump Baby’ Protest in West Hollywood Park

The Trump Baby balloon in West Hollywood Park

Approximately three dozen people turned out at noon today for the “Trump Baby” balloon protest hosted by Mayor John Duran at West Hollywood Park.

The protest featured a large balloon image of Donald Trump as “an angry orange baby” wearing diapers and carrying a mobile phone. It was designed by Matt Bonner, who has permitted it to be copied for other demonstrations. The protest in West Hollywood was one of six held nationwide.

Duran, at whose behest the city declared May 31 “Stormy Daniels Day,” described West Hollywood as the “epicenter of the resistance” to Trump, a Republican whose stands on issues ranging from LGBT civil liberties to immigration to climate change have outraged his Democratic opponents. Daniels is the adult film star who has alleged that Trump had an overnight affair with her which his lawyer paid her to keep silent.

Duran was accompanied by four drag performers – Jasmine Flowers, Cookie, Anastasia DeTwat and Baex Jing – who helped hold the Trump Baby balloon aloft.

Also speaking was City Councilmember Lauren Meister, who shouted out: “Put that baby in place.” Other council members were not present.

The event occurred at noon with the balloon being deflated at 1:30 p.m.

Mayor John Duran, left, with drag performers and local residents at West Hollywood Park

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J Simmons
J Simmons
6 years ago

The state of the Country & trump are so bad, this is stupid in my opinion.

6 years ago

What an embarrassment these city officials are. Wasting money on immature stunts while ignoring Weho’s very real and serious problems.

6 years ago

Weho babies. Grow up.

6 years ago

I am disappointed in Lauren Meister. This was nothing but another attempt by Mayor Duran to get media coverage.

6 years ago
Reply to  Alison

I do not think that Duran organized this nationwide protest. He made sure that West Hollywood was a part of that, for which I am grateful. This was just poorly timed, and poorly publicized.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
6 years ago

I was one of the three dozen in the “crowd” to watch this embarrassing squandering of city resources. I think the residents of the city deserve an accounting of the costs associated with this ego-driven spectacle. There appeared to be multiple paid city staff, a presence of deputies and firefighters, and equipment and staging for the so-called (elected by default when the rest of the council sat on their hands) mayor to attempt some time in the limelight, yet again on issues that seem to detract from the business of governing a small city. Where are the clean sidewalks we… Read more »

6 years ago

Perhaps if there had been some publicity of this people would have come. I saw just one piece on it here on your site only on Friday. I emailed a lot of friends, but no one else had heard about it. A shame.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

I was there, and I agree. I heard nothing about this except an article posted here, the day before, I believe. And Duran’s Facebook posts. They also scheduled it on or what is probably the biggest day for Halloween parties this year. People running around, getting their costumes together, etc.

Eric Jon Schmidt
Eric Jon Schmidt
6 years ago

It was a great way to let off some steam. With all the bad stuff in the news right now anything we can do, in a non-violent, non-angry way is helpful. It’s ok to be silly once in a while. It was fun talking to all the people there. I didn’t hear one negative word. It was a happy occasion, which I love. It helped bring our Community together which I believe we need more of. Mayor Duran and Councilmember Meister made positive, inspiring comments which made us feel very proud to be Residents of West Hollywood. The Staff worked… Read more »

Inspiring Comments
Inspiring Comments
6 years ago

Is anyone willing to share the inspiring comments from Mayor Duran and Councilmember Meister?

Eric Jon Schmidt
Eric Jon Schmidt
6 years ago

They both inspired us to be proud, resist and fight to maintain our rights. I may not agree with someone on certain issues, but I do believe in giving credit where it’s due and always look for the good in everything and everyone.