“When You Fall in Love in The Closet” | BuzzFeed Video


This video by BuzzFeed Video gives the perspective of several gay men falling in love with someone while still being in the closet.

In the video, two men act out the scenario, as described by these different men, in which the two friends meet and, after some “liquid courage,” kiss for the very first time.  Neither is openly gay, and they experience that fear of “what did I just do?”

Next, they discuss how the relationship starts.  The problem is that it’s all a secret, and you are not sure what to do.  All you know is that you are the happiest you have ever been in your life.

Then comes the hardest part — seeing other people express their happiness and wishing you could have the chance to express that publicly as well. There are hurdles that must be overcome personally and with other people in your life to get you to the point where you are proud to be who you are and love who you love openly and freely.

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