“What Does ‘Two-Spirit’ Mean? – InQueery” | them.


Sometimes the LGBTQ+ community can have a hard time putting a “label” on how they identify in our community.

That’s true in this video, by “them.,” which talks about the origins of the term “Two Spirit” from Native American culture and how it means different things to different tribes that recognize it. In 1990, the Native American Gay and Lesbian Gathering came to a consensus on the meaning of “Two-Spirit” to make this term understandable to both native and non-native cultures.

It’s fascinating to learn more about our LGBTQ+ community and the way cultures view and perceive gender.  I am not Native American, so I appreciate this explanation of this part of our community and how its members choose to identify.

The more we know and understand about one another in our own LGBTQ+ communities, the more we can unite to work toward inclusion and understanding for those outside of our community.

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