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Lynn Shepodd
6 years ago
I first met Ivy Bottoni in the late 70s at The Women’s Bldg. In DTLA. She did lesbian feminist stand up, educational, poignant, and painfully hilarious.
She’s nationally well known as she is here.
I loved it that she always called me by my last name with an exclamation point: “Shepodd!” Even in a real estate context.
I smile every time I think of you, Ivy. And am grateful for your steadfast and kind heart and sense of irony.
Michael G
6 years ago
Ivy is a class act. Something that is totally foreign to John Duran. John Duran did call up the Sheriff because he claimed Ivy was speaking “off topic” during citizens’ comments. Too bad John D’Amico didn’t report Duran’s Grindr texting to the FBI. We might have had a raid on City Hall to clean up the corruption.
6 years ago
A fascinating engaged woman who is leaving West Hollywood because she no longer can afford to live here, in WeHo or probably anywhere in the Los Angeles area.
There is something very sad and blatantly wrong about that and many people of different ages are feeling that same financial crunch here.
We’re losing good people due to cost of living here and I wish the city could have better control of skyrocketing rents- particularly with greedy landlords whose apartments are simply ridiculously, inappropriately overpriced for what they are!
Our loss and I wish Ivy a continued wonderful life in Florida.
Tai Sunnanon
6 years ago
What an incredible human being and force within our community. I can live this life many times over and still not come close to Ivy’s many accomplishments. She has become an inspiration for my activism over the years and I’m grateful to know her. I am sad, nonetheless, that our seniors cannot age in place. We must provide a haven to our seniors who we so desperately need in times like these.
Hats off to you, Ivy, for your brilliant work over the decades.
Steve Martin
6 years ago
Actually John Duran called up the Sheriff because he claimed Ivy was speaking “off topic” during citizens’ comments; she over ran her time arguing about her right to speak and taunting the Mayor to have her arrested. Ivy was never one to back down when she believed she was in the right. I have been working with Ivy since the early 1990s; she has always been a role model and a hero. Her passion for justice was and remain contagious. A pioneering feminist, she lead the State wide effort to oppose State Senator John Brigg’s proposition to ban gays from… Read more »
Larry Block
6 years ago
Ivy might be leaving but she leaves a legacy behind. I’m not sure anybody can replace the legend of Ivy Bottini but wish her well with lots of love!
6 years ago
Correction, Hank. “Valerie Terrigno”, not “Valerie Ferrigno” (and I may have misspelled it…it’s been over 30 years since she was on Council).
West Hollywood’s very significant loss is Sebring’s incredible gain. The heft and authority of her voice, honed by decades of involvement will be sorely missed. As I’ve said before, Ivy Bottini has earned the right to say whatever she wants, whenever she wants and to whomever she pleases. I’m sure some on the council dais will be pleased to be rid of the accountability her stature brings to debate, but West Hollywood will be poorer by her absence.
It is a shame to see a dedicated political activist having to leave in a time when they are needed the most! When social justice issues like a living wage and affordable housing are neglected, it creates a selective pressure that favors only the wealthy willing to promote the interests of those in power.
Ivy can always be remembered by those who pick up the baton and carry on with the work she initiated. She will never really ever be gone because she was such a mentor to many who remain. Our city is not diminished by her pending absence, but far better because of her previous presence. Carry on….
I first met Ivy Bottoni in the late 70s at The Women’s Bldg. In DTLA. She did lesbian feminist stand up, educational, poignant, and painfully hilarious.
She’s nationally well known as she is here.
I loved it that she always called me by my last name with an exclamation point: “Shepodd!” Even in a real estate context.
I smile every time I think of you, Ivy. And am grateful for your steadfast and kind heart and sense of irony.
Ivy is a class act. Something that is totally foreign to John Duran. John Duran did call up the Sheriff because he claimed Ivy was speaking “off topic” during citizens’ comments. Too bad John D’Amico didn’t report Duran’s Grindr texting to the FBI. We might have had a raid on City Hall to clean up the corruption.
A fascinating engaged woman who is leaving West Hollywood because she no longer can afford to live here, in WeHo or probably anywhere in the Los Angeles area.
There is something very sad and blatantly wrong about that and many people of different ages are feeling that same financial crunch here.
We’re losing good people due to cost of living here and I wish the city could have better control of skyrocketing rents- particularly with greedy landlords whose apartments are simply ridiculously, inappropriately overpriced for what they are!
Our loss and I wish Ivy a continued wonderful life in Florida.
What an incredible human being and force within our community. I can live this life many times over and still not come close to Ivy’s many accomplishments. She has become an inspiration for my activism over the years and I’m grateful to know her. I am sad, nonetheless, that our seniors cannot age in place. We must provide a haven to our seniors who we so desperately need in times like these.
Hats off to you, Ivy, for your brilliant work over the decades.
Actually John Duran called up the Sheriff because he claimed Ivy was speaking “off topic” during citizens’ comments; she over ran her time arguing about her right to speak and taunting the Mayor to have her arrested. Ivy was never one to back down when she believed she was in the right. I have been working with Ivy since the early 1990s; she has always been a role model and a hero. Her passion for justice was and remain contagious. A pioneering feminist, she lead the State wide effort to oppose State Senator John Brigg’s proposition to ban gays from… Read more »
Ivy might be leaving but she leaves a legacy behind. I’m not sure anybody can replace the legend of Ivy Bottini but wish her well with lots of love!
Correction, Hank. “Valerie Terrigno”, not “Valerie Ferrigno” (and I may have misspelled it…it’s been over 30 years since she was on Council).
Good catch! Just fixed that typo.
West Hollywood’s very significant loss is Sebring’s incredible gain. The heft and authority of her voice, honed by decades of involvement will be sorely missed. As I’ve said before, Ivy Bottini has earned the right to say whatever she wants, whenever she wants and to whomever she pleases. I’m sure some on the council dais will be pleased to be rid of the accountability her stature brings to debate, but West Hollywood will be poorer by her absence.
It is a shame to see a dedicated political activist having to leave in a time when they are needed the most! When social justice issues like a living wage and affordable housing are neglected, it creates a selective pressure that favors only the wealthy willing to promote the interests of those in power.
Ivy can always be remembered by those who pick up the baton and carry on with the work she initiated. She will never really ever be gone because she was such a mentor to many who remain. Our city is not diminished by her pending absence, but far better because of her previous presence. Carry on….