(Photo Credit: Chelsea Lauren/Shutterstock)
Wednesday night, Emile Hirsch hosted the opening reception of artist Matt Smiley’s “Refresh,” the latest exhibition at Mondrian Los Angeles’ “Magic Box” art gallery.
Refresh features Smiley’s exclusive collection of works with pieces that have not yet been seen along with some signature work. Refresh will remain on view until Spring 2019.
Previous art exhibits held in “Magic Box” are by artists Michael Turchin and Tony Kelly.
Guests in attendance included Carly Pope, Shane West, Christian Oliver, Shiloh Fernandez, Chris Paul, Douglas Kirkland, Chris Zylka, Cailin Russo, Matisse, Dr. Shahin Ghadir, Jorge Perez, Chris Paul, Fiona Xie, Alison Thornton.
Matt Smiley, a multi-faceted artist and filmmaker, held his first art show in September of 2011 at the legendary penthouse suite at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel with his second exhibit taking place at the Wine Conservatory in Toronto in April 2012. After successful shows, Smiley was part of an art exhibition with Academy Award-nominated actor James Franco and Jeff Wack in September 2013 and participated in an art show trio, Hirsch-Norton-Smiley, that same year with actor Emile Hirsch and director Ace Norton.
Smiley’s “Blocs of Love” mural is presently featured at The Bloc, in the heart of downtown LA outside the Macy’s Plaza.
The exhibit will be on display at the Mondrian, which is at 8440 Sunset Blvd. at Olive Drive. You can visit www.mondrianhotel.com for additional details.
WEHOville’s Enoch Miller interviewed Smiley in a video that can be seen here. Miller also conducted a video tour of the exhibit.