Eight thefts from autos were reported to the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station from Jan. 28 through Feb. 3, a week that was relatively light on crime. They are among the incidents below that are Part I or serious crimes reported to the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Department. A more complete list of crimes, and their location, can be found on Crimemapping, which is posted here on WEHOville.

Jan. 28
Vehicle Burglary. 1100 block North Curson Avenue between 6 and 11:30 p.m. An unknown suspect pried the passenger’s side door open and removed property from the interior. #00586
Jan. 29
Grand Theft. 8800 block Sunset Boulevard between 8:30 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. An unknown suspect removed vinyl music records from a display area and left the store without payment. #00674
Burglary. 8600 block Sunset Boulevard between 5:15 p.m. and 8 a.m. An unknown suspect smashed the rear wooden door to gain entry and removed a cash register from the office area. #00611
Strong Arm Robbery (Suspect Arrested). 9000 block Beverly Boulevard at 11:30 a.m. A man removed several food items and left the store without payment. When confronted by store security, the suspect flung his arms and pushed the victim to avoid apprehension. The suspect was located and arrested by responding deputies. #00594
Jan. 30
Nothing significant to report.
Jan. 31
Grand Theft. 1300 block Olive Drive at 8 p.m. A man was walking northbound on Olive Drive when the suspect approached him from behind and pulled his backpack from his shoulder. The suspect then fled the area on foot. #00679
Feb. 1
Aggravated Assault – Other Weapon (Suspect Arrested). 7100 block Santa Monica Boulevard at 10:19 p.m. A man fought with employees and threw a chair at a group of customers after entering the business to hide from deputies who wanted to speak with him about his involvement in a fight on a Metro bus. The suspect was arrested by responding deputies. #00664
Vehicle Burglary. 900 block Hayworth Avenue between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 a.m. An unknown suspect smashed the front passenger’s side window and ransacked the interior but did not take anything. #00668
Vehicle Burglary. 900 block Hayworth Avenue from 9 p.m. to 9:30 a.m. An unknown suspect smashed the front passenger’s side window and removed property from the center console. #00671
Vehicle Burglary. 1000 block Hayworth Avenue from 5 p.m. to 1 p.m. the next day. An unknown suspect smashed the rear driver’s side window and removed property from the glove box. #00682
Vehicle Burglary. 1000 block Hayworth Avenue between 1:30 p.m. and 9 a.m. An unknown suspect smashed the rear driver’s side window and removed property from the interior. #00684
Vehicle Burglary. 900 block Hayworth Avenue between Feb. 1 and Feb. 3. An unknown suspect smashed the front passenger’s side window and removed coins from the center console. #00705
Feb. 2
Aggravated Assault – Other Weapon (Suspect Arrested). 7400 block Santa Monica Boulevard at 2 p.m. A homeless man began to fight with an employee after being asked to leave the store. During the struggle, the suspect threw a metal napkin dispenser at the victim. The suspect was arrested by responding deputies. #00677
Burglary. 600 block Flores Street at 4 a.m. A man smashed the front glass door to gain access to the building lobby. The suspect then pried open several mail boxes and removed mail. #00761
Feb. 3
Vehicle Burglary. 8200 block Sunset Boulevard between 7:30 p.m. and 1 a.m. An unknown suspect smashed the rear driver’s side window and removed property from the back seat. #00721
Vehicle Burglary. 8800 block Sunset Boulevard between 8:30 p.m. and 3 a.m. An unknown suspect smashed the rear passenger’s side window and removed property from the front seat. #00724