Tyler Tixier, left, with his arm around former U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock, at whose right is Keith Anthony, at Coachella (Facebook)
What happens at Coachella doesn’t stay at Coachella, to the likely disappointment of Keith Anthony, a gay West Hollywood fitness trainer and member of the city’s Business License Commission.
Anthony and his boyfriend, Tyler Tixier, were photographed hanging out at the desert music festival this past weekend with Aaron Schock, the former GOP congressman from Illinois who is infamous for his anti-gay voting record and alleged misuse of federal money.
Schock, who represented Illinois’ 18th District, resigned in March 2015 after he was accused of using campaign funds and office accounts to pay for lavish trips and events. He has been criticized by gay activists for voting against the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and against amending federal hate crimes laws to include crimes where the victims were targeted on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender and disability.
In a post on Facebook, James Duke Mason called out Schock for what Mason described as his hypocrisy for hanging out with other gay men, and being photographed making out with one of them, at Coachella.
“Normally I wouldn’t comment on something like this, but I am just infuriated by these images of former Republican (and anti-gay) Congressman Aaron Schock partying with a group of gay men at Coachella,” Mason wrote. “The fact that he would think he could show his face in public, particularly when he has NEVER renounced or apologized for his votes against gay marriage, gays in the military and against anti-discrimination laws is astounding. My intention isn’t to out him or target him personally, but simply to point out the hypocrisy. I saw him at a recent gay social event in West Hollywood and shook his hand before I realized who he was; he should really be ashamed of himself. And the gays who associate with him without calling him out should know better. It really is a disgrace.”
Mason posted the photo of the shirtless Anthony with the shirtless Schock and other gay men on his Facebook page. City Councilmember John Duran, who had appointed Anthony to the Historic Preservation Commission and the Business License Commission, expressed his own surprise at Anthony’s interaction with Schock. “What the hell????” his post read (it since has been removed.)
Schock’s gay adventure at Coachella also caught the attention of Queerty, the national gay website, which cited Mason’s Facebook post, as did TowleRoad and GregInHollywood, two other popular sites.
WEHOville has reached out to Anthony but as yet hasn’t gotten a response.
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5 years ago
Thank goodness this Schock guy is out of office.He could still be in there causing grief for all of us.Now that he is out of office,maybe he can be forgiven for his past sins.The article didn’t mention what he is doing now or if he has come out of the closet.He was photographed hanging out with Mr. Anthony,so some sort of explanation would be helpful.
Don’t forget anything posted on Facebook is not private and can be seen by anybody.You take your chances with social media.
The City of West Hollywood and the majority of the gay community seem to forget who gave us “Don’t Ask,Don’t Tell” in the first place, Bill Clinton. And they also seem to forget what organization filled the lawsuit that was successful in having the law overturned by the Supreme Court, the Log Cabin gay Republican organization. Like many politicians, Schock, was in the closet and to wrong defuse any gay rumors voted for anti gay issues. we reportedly have not one but two gay men running for president. One is open and the other is closeted. Is he to be… Read more »
At the time DADT was invented it was an incrementally progressive policy: the alternative to the total ban on gays in the military preferred by Repunlicans. Bill Clinton also brought the AIDS quilt to Washington and appointed the first openly gay judges, but it’s all moot: “But Bill Clinton” doesn’t excuse Schock’s own anti-gay votes, for which he has never apologized. His hypocrisy in taking these stances while being gay, and the predictable complicity of the WeHo gays now socializing with him, is still galling. Gay marriage was overturned because of the tireless activism of grassroots gay activists. Not because… Read more »
Are you seriously defending his actions? Horrible rationalizatio. Clinton did what he could, at that time, like the other person said. You have to take baby steps sometimes.
Thank goodness this Schock guy is out of office.He could still be in there causing grief for all of us.Now that he is out of office,maybe he can be forgiven for his past sins.The article didn’t mention what he is doing now or if he has come out of the closet.He was photographed hanging out with Mr. Anthony,so some sort of explanation would be helpful.
Don’t forget anything posted on Facebook is not private and can be seen by anybody.You take your chances with social media.
The City of West Hollywood and the majority of the gay community seem to forget who gave us “Don’t Ask,Don’t Tell” in the first place, Bill Clinton. And they also seem to forget what organization filled the lawsuit that was successful in having the law overturned by the Supreme Court, the Log Cabin gay Republican organization. Like many politicians, Schock, was in the closet and to wrong defuse any gay rumors voted for anti gay issues. we reportedly have not one but two gay men running for president. One is open and the other is closeted. Is he to be… Read more »
At the time DADT was invented it was an incrementally progressive policy: the alternative to the total ban on gays in the military preferred by Repunlicans. Bill Clinton also brought the AIDS quilt to Washington and appointed the first openly gay judges, but it’s all moot: “But Bill Clinton” doesn’t excuse Schock’s own anti-gay votes, for which he has never apologized. His hypocrisy in taking these stances while being gay, and the predictable complicity of the WeHo gays now socializing with him, is still galling. Gay marriage was overturned because of the tireless activism of grassroots gay activists. Not because… Read more »
Are you seriously defending his actions? Horrible rationalizatio. Clinton did what he could, at that time, like the other person said. You have to take baby steps sometimes.