Cedars-Sinai Makes Major Increase in Donations to Help the Homeless

Cedars-Sinai is contributing $15 million in grants to community organizations, with more than 20 grants going to groups that work on homeless and housing stability issues. (Getty Images)

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center has announced that it is dramatically increasing its contributions to non-profit programs and organizations that foster housing stability, provide sustainable programs for homeless residents and build clinical and financial capacity at community clinics.

The institution is contributing $15 million to 108 such programs. The grants, announced this month, also will support mental health training, services for LGBTQ+ and veterans’ groups, as well as a range of social services provided by several Jewish organizations.

Cedars-Sinai contributed $5.9 million last year to safety-net organizations in the Los Angeles region.

In an announcement of the contributions, Cedars-Sinai said “the effort to address homelessness and housing stability comes at a critical time for the region. The 2019 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count found a 12% increase in homelessness across the county compared to a year ago, pushing the numbers of homeless residents in the area to nearly 59,000. The count also showed that 600,000 people countywide face critical housing stability issues because they spend more than 90% of their income on shelter.”

“We take our role in the community as seriously as we take patient care, research and education,” said Cedars-Sinai President and CEO Thomas M. Priselac. “We are driven by a strategic focus on improving access to care and addressing social determinants of health. Ultimately, we are working to break down barriers that affect tens of thousands of people within the safety net.”

More than 20 of the Cedars-Sinai grants are going to organizations that work directly with people experiencing homelessness or strive to improve housing stability. In total, Cedars-Sinai is contributing $2.5 million to these dual priorities. Among the recipients:


— The City of Santa Monica is receiving $100,000 for a feasibility study about comprehensive healthcare for homeless residents in the seaside city.

— Home for Good, a public-private partnership that invests in solutions to homelessness in Los Angeles County, will receive $100,000 to support its work.

— The Los Angeles LGBT Center will have $160,000 to develop vocational training for youth who are transitioning out of homelessness.

— The People Concern is receiving $100,000 to expand a “navigator” program that connects homeless patients at Cedars-Sinai Marina del Rey Hospital with community resources and services. The Los Angeles nonprofit received a $100,000 Cedars-Sinai grant last year to launch the program.

— St. Joseph Center is receiving $100,000 to train first responders in Culver City to meet the needs of the city’s homeless population and to teach members of the business community how to connect those who are homeless to social services.

Cedars-Sinai also is distributing several major grants to assist community clinics to reduce disparities in health and healthcare. More than 1.6 million Angelenos receive their healthcare from community clinics, making these organizations the backbone of the region’s safety net. The Cedars-Sinai Community Clinic Initiative is contributing $1.5 million over two years to help 17 Los Angeles County community clinics build greater capacity to address food insecurity and transportation issues for those who need the support. The contribution is among more than $10 million Cedars-Sinai has devoted to community clinics over the last four years.

Planned Parenthood also is receiving $500,000 over three years to help develop wellbeing centers on school campuses across the county. Other community clinic grantees include Saban Community Clinic, APLA Health, Eisner Health, Venice Family Clinic, and Korean Health Education Information and Research Clinic.

Behavioral health is another priority area. Cedars-Sinai is providing funds for training and partnerships with clinics and social service agencies.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital is receiving more than $1 million to develop a self-sustaining behavioral health program for its local community, which significantly lacks access to care. Other behavioral health grantees include Beit T’Shuvah, Korean American Family Services, the Maple Counseling Center, Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services and Para Los Niños.

Several grants also are going to institutions and programs in alignment with Cedars-Sinai’s Judaic values of welcoming and treating all people with dignity and respect. Grants are going to Jewish Family Services, Sharsheret and Bet Tzedek to serve a range of social, education, homeless and legal needs.

The Jewish Free Loan Association will receive $500,000 over five years to establish the Cedars-Sinai Housing Stability Loan Fund, designed to provide immediate housing assistance to stabilize those on the verge of homelessness.

Cedars-Sinai also is making significant investments in workforce development to train healthcare workers in the community. Charles Drew University Medical School is receiving a grant of nearly $1.4 million to help develop a medical education program and a community health worker training program focused on serving people in vulnerable communities. Other workforce grantees include the Southside Coalition of Community Health Centers and the Los Angeles Urban League.

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Art Scotti
Art Scotti
5 years ago

A great hospital too many of us take for granted–I’ve used their emergency services twice in my 9 years here, and been admitted both times. Outstanding care all around. Thank you C-S!