Trump Opponents Plan to Rally Friday to Protest George Papadopoulos Appearance in WeHo

George Papadopoulos

That group in front of Fiesta Cantina on Friday night won’t be giving the key to the city to Stormy Daniels. This upcoming event will be a protest against the appearance of George Papadopoulos at an event hosted on the restaurant’s rooftop by the Log Cabin Republicans.

The protest is scheduled for 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in front of the Mexican restaurant and bar at 8865 Santa Monica Blvd. between San Vicente Boulevard and Larrabee. It is being organized by Robit Di Cecco and Scott Reader. 

On a Facebook post announcing the event, Reader calls out the gay Republicans who constitute the Log Cabin Republican organization, saying that “by supporting Trump and Republicans, you are helping dismantle our equal rights, and helping them impose new rules and laws against us. Just shameful.”

Papadopoulos was a major member of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign team who pleaded guilty to making false statements to FBI agents relating to contacts he had with agents of the Russian government while working for the Trump campaign.

He is the author of a 2019 book titled “Deep State Target.”  “Deep State” is a term used by conspiracy theorists assert that there is collusion and cronyism in the US political system and a hidden government within the legitimately elected government.

The federal charges filed against Papadopoulos came from the Mueller investigation into allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Papadopoulos, who had been a member of the foreign policy advisory panel for Trump’s election campaign, was sentenced to 14 days in prison, 12 months of supervised release, and 200 hours of community service and was fined $9,500.


Fiesta Cantina got pushback from some opponents of Trump for hosting another Log Cabin Republican event on its rooftop on May 24 that featured Sabo, the street artist who in 2017 bragged that he had defaced signs for the City of West Hollywood’s WeHo Pedals bike share program with promotions of a new book by controversial right-wing propagandist Milo Yiannopoulos.  Sabo describes his mission as “creatively kicking liberals in the teeth.”

Fiesta Cantina’s rooftop has been the home to a number of Log Cabin’s monthly mixers over the years. The group also has staged events at V Wine Room, Lisa Vanderpump’s Sur Lounge, and The Abbey in past years.

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4 years ago

I’m hoping covers this event and reports on it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Blueeyedboy

Me too!

4 years ago

Why on earth would any organization want to be associated with a convicted felon? Is this the best speaker Log Cabin could lure in?

4 years ago

Everyone is welcome here. That is what makes Weho special.

4 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

Log Cabin Republicans, who take advantage of hard-fought-for LGBTQ equality in this country, yet support Donald Trump and the Republican anti-LGBTQ agenda….are not welcome in West Hollywood. Our LGBTQ brothers and sisters have fought and died for the rights Log Cabin Republicans enjoy, yet they support an agenda that would strip us all of those rights. Log Cabin
Republicans are not welcome in West Hollywood.

4 years ago
Reply to  Scott

Wow.. That’s hilarious considering Democrats passed DODT, DOMA, and Log Cabin Republicans vs United States was a landmark case in repealing DODT. Maybe a little less partisanship could go a long way?

4 years ago
Reply to  Will

This isn’t about partisanship. It’s about doing the right thing. Log Cabin Republicans sell out our LGBTQ community, and think nothing of it. It’s disgusting.

4 years ago

Papadopoulos pleaded guilty only because he could no longer afford to defend himself against prosecutors who were hell-bent on destroying as many lives as they had to to create the narrative they wanted. Papadopoulos’ story, for those who bother to listen, would scare you to your core when you realize the same thing could happen to any of us who could be used to get whatever big fish an all-powerful partisan arm of the federal government with unlimited resources decides it wants. His contacts with Russian government agents was a set-up. Papadopoulos was hardly a major member of Trump’s campaign… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Blueeyedboy

That is such nonsense. Such BS. Papadopoulos is an admitted liar. He spent time in prison for his lies. What scares me to my core is that creeps like Papadopoulos are even given a platform from which to spread more sociopathic conspiracy theories. Disgusting.

jimmy palmieri
4 years ago

My protest began as soon as i found out that log cabin r’s hold events/meetings/covens there. I haven’t gone there since and never will again. Ithink people should protest any way they want. Mine is with my money.

not a gay republica
not a gay republica
4 years ago

really log cabin repukeblicans….in weho, at a mexican restaurant! go puke somewhere else
trump like behavior must be contagious

4 years ago

Well that’s a respectful comment… Thank you for your mature contribution to our discussion today…

4 years ago

👏❤️👋🏻 ^^^ Log Cabin Repubs do not belong in West Hollywood, nor any other LGBTQ city or community in this country. Log Cabin Repubs sell out LGBTQ communities nationwide. Shame on Log Cabin Republicans.

Michael Grace
Michael Grace
4 years ago

There’s something called freedom of speech. And this city, which is so politically correct, certainly wasn’t demonstrating regarding the two year Ed Buck ordeal. Why don’t you all fly to Sacramento and start demonstrating in front of the capital there? For living in one of the worst run states in the union. Or better yet, you could drive and take a look at Gov. Brown’s multi billion dollar bullet train that’s going to run from Bakersfield to Modesto.

4 years ago
Reply to  Michael Grace

Yes, there is freedom of speech. That includes this protest. And not frequenting the business anymore.

I’m offended by any business in this city that caters to a core of LGBT citizens, hosting such an event. I wouldn’t take Log Cabin money, just for profit. I would respectfully deny such a request, saying their organization goes against the core values of most of my patrons.

This doesn’t matter much to me, either way. I think that place is a dump, and rarely, rarely go there.

4 years ago
Reply to  Randy

Hmmm… Yet you were perfectly alright taking Ed Buck’s money and voting for the politicians who protected him… #irony

4 years ago

If you can make it, come join us in protest! Because they support Donald Trump, and the Republican Party platform, which wants to roll back LGBTQ rights and privileges such as marriage equality, and equal protections under the law, Log Cabin (Gay) Republicans do not deserve the rights and privileges afforded them by the blood, sweat and tears of the millions of LGBTQ Warriors who fought and died for those rights, over decades. We are who, and what we support, and Log Cabin Republicans support the tyrannical and anti-LGBT platform put forth by Donald Trump, and Republicans. They do not… Read more »

4 years ago

Protesting this appearance appears to be a waste of time when the visit by Mr. Papadopoulos could simply be ignored. Seems as though too many folks in WeHo are always looking for conflict when they could disengage. Numbness is a possible result to so many demonstrations in a city that thinks it is all about tolerance. Leave sleeping dogs alone.

WeHo Resident
WeHo Resident
4 years ago
Reply to  Vigilant

Those dogs aint sleeping and what we’re protesting is a lack of tolerance. The use of the name “Vigilant” is irony at its best.

4 years ago
Reply to  WeHo Resident

It’s possible that you have misinterpreted “Vigilant” for “vigilante”. No irony, only selective about where to engage.

4 years ago
Reply to  WeHo Resident

Just like protesting the elected politicians who took Ed Buck’s money… Selective outrage at it’s finest..

4 years ago
Reply to  Vigilant

And it is also an expression of freedom of speech to protest this event. A business that is frequented by so many LGBT members of the community can be made aware that we are unhappy about it. Were you complaining when the Trumpers were protesting the Stormy Daniels book signing? If you were, that makes you a hypocrite. If not, then you can see that freedom of speech goes both ways. I’m tired of people telling people who are not willing to put up with intolerant people (Republicans) that they aren’t being tolerant by doing so. It is like a… Read more »

4 years ago

Thank you for spreading the word about this. While it is the right of the Fiesta Cantina owner to host Papadopoulos and the antigay Log Cabin group, it is also my right to boycott this bar from now on. I don’t want one dime of my money to go into that Trump enabling dbag owner’s pocket ever again. I won’t even stand on that terrace with friends who may think differently; I refuse to support Fiesta in any way. This is Chik-fil-a and the BH Hotel all over again.

4 years ago
Reply to  Michael

I agree with you, except this goes beyond Chik-fil-a and the BH Hotel in that this is a local business, in the heart of the gay district, which has a huge clientele of LGBT patrons. I find their decision to host this event to be shameful at worst, and bad for business, at best.

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