Opinion: On Ongoing Issues, West Hollywood City Council Members Need to Come Out of Hiding


So, who is negotiating the City of West Hollywood’s plans to subsidize the annual L.A. Pride Festival and Parade? Who is discussing the city’s spending and its budget and whatever issues, if any, are involved with that? Who is talking with County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl’s office about ways for West Hollywood to collaborate with Los Angeles County in dealing with homelessness?  And who is working with the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority on plans for routing the Crenshaw extension through the City of West Hollywood?

It has taken WEHOville about six months to get an answer to those questions.  The answer is that certain members of the City Council are doing that, and doing it in secret.

The West Hollywood City Council has eight “subcommittees” dealing with major city issues. Each subcommittee is composed of two Council members — one person short of the three Council members that would constitute a quorum. Under the State of California’s Brown Act, meetings of a quorum of elected officials have to be announced to and open to the public, with exceptions granted for certain personnel and legal and contract negotiation issues.

But meetings of standing subcommittees, those involved with ongoing issues or projects such as the ones noted above, also must be open to the public. And the City of West Hollywood must notify residents at least 72 hours in advance as to when and where those meetings will be held and what will be on the agenda. (The law provides an exception for special meetings, with the legislative body required to alert news organizations who ask for such alerts at least 24 hours in advance. 

WEHOville informed City Clerk Yvonne Quarker and City Attorney Mike Jenkins of that requirement in an email message in June, citing a discussion about the matter posted by the First Amendment Coalition, a nonprofit organization formed to ensure that California elected officials adhere to the requirements of the Brown Act. The secrecy of legislative subcommittees has been an issue on the national, state, and local level around the country for years.

According to the FAC, state law (Cal. Gov’t Code § 54952(b)) requires that meetings of legislative bodies be held in public (with the exceptions noted above), and it specifically says that “standing committees of a legislative body, irrespective of their composition, which have a continuing subject matter jurisdiction, or a meeting schedule fixed by charter, ordinance, resolution, or formal action of a legislative body are legislative bodies for purposes of this chapter.”


So, what are the West Hollywood City Council’s subcommittees?  This is the list finally provided by the City Clerk last month:

— Finance & Budget Subcommittee.  Members John D’Amico and Lindsey Horvath.

— Plummer Park Project Council Sub-Committee. Members Lindsey Horvath and Lauren Meister.

— West Hollywood Park Phase II Council Sub-Committee. Members John Duran and John Heilman.

— Visit West Hollywood Council Subcommittee. Members John Duran and John Heilman,

— 1343 Laurel Avenue Council Subcommittee. Members John Duran and Lauren Meister.

— Metro Council Subcommittee.  Members John Heilman and Lindsey Horvath.

— Homelessness Subcommittee. Members John Heilman and Lauren Meister.

— CSW/LA Pride Subcommittee. Members John D’Amico and John Heilman.

In an email message to WEHOville in August, Quarker said she was “still working on this with our City Attorney to determine how best to proceed with these sub-committees.  They were created as ad-hoc committees, which do not require noticing and are not open to the public.  I am getting information on each subcommittee’s activity, if any, so that we may determine whether any of them fall into the category of a standing sub-committee which would require noticing /open to the public, etc.”

With this editorial, WEHOville would like to save the City Clerk and the City Attorney some time by stating that at least four of the existing eight subcommittees “have a continuing subject matter jurisdiction,” which qualifies them as standing subcommittees whose meetings must be open to the public. The matters they deal with are important enough to let the citizens of West Hollywood know what’s going on.

Those are the CSW/ LA Pride Subcommittee (it’s an annual event and has been for decades), the Finance & Budget Subcommittee (the city puts together a new budget every year), the Homelessness Sub-Committee (this is clearly, and sadly, an ongoing issue), the Visit West Hollywood Subcommittee (the city’s Travel + Tourism Board) is a major institution that promotes the city’s largest single source of General Fund revenue).

One could argue that the1343 Laurel Avenue (Tara) Subcommittee isn’t focused on a “continuing subject matter,” although it has taken the city years to figure out what to do with that building. (We would at least like to hear a report from that subcommittee on what is has done and will do). The same argument could be made regarding the West Hollywood Park Phase II Subcommittee (the project has been moving forward steadily, with a prospective completion date). The Metro Council Subcommittee, if it is focused as one assumes on the routing of the Crenshaw Extension and how the city will pay for it, also should be folding once the Metro Board makes its decision on all of that. And the Plummer Park Project Council Subcommittee? Well, that project is back on the city’s agenda, which suggests that a decision (with public involvement) is coming.

So now the City of West Hollywood, if it wants to be the transparent government organization it is supposed to be, needs to start notifying the public (which WEHOville is happy to help with) about the meetings of those other subcommittees, each of which is focused on matters that have a significant impact on the city and its citizens.

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5 years ago

What a great expression of work!
This piece alone demonstrates to partisan gossip briefs (no one is interested in personal opinions. We are hungry for the pursuit of facts!) Here that CNN, MSNBC, NYT!
This is what subjective, fact-finding journalism is about!
I dare say, WEHOVILLE has gone all “Walter Cronkrite” on us!
Bravo! And a toast to superb, ol’ school journalism!
We are thankful!

carleton cronin
carleton cronin
5 years ago

These sub-committees are dealing with the issues which demand citizen (resident) input even if only by email to the Council members on the committees. If the part-time Council ius confounded by process – and who wouldn’t be -they should reach out. I believe that one reason so few vote in our town is the remoteness of the Council members whom we see only at Council meetings twice a month. Not just transparency – participation is more important.

5 years ago

Food for thought. Thanks, Hank. Democracy dies (and corruption thrives) in darkness. Regarding governments (of all sizes): where there is secrecy, the withholding of information (even from others in that government), an uneven internal playing field, and the condoning of bad behavior, there is surely a rotten top eschelon. Hope that’s not true in WeHo.

5 years ago

A subcommittee of two Council members probably meets at someone’s home, over dinner, over the phone, etc.. While I agree that these conversations should be made public, I’m trying to imagine the logistics of holding a public meeting for each, with so many public meetings already. And how often should they, or are they required to meet? Once a month? Twice? Whenever they feel like it?

Richard K.
Richard K.
5 years ago

Great piece and greatly needed.
Thanks Hank

Larry Block
Larry Block
5 years ago

Excellent follow up. Government is suppose to be a transparent process and your work challenging the status quo reminds the city council they are there to serve the people.

Jonathan Hong Dowling
Jonathan Hong Dowling
5 years ago

This is good solid journalism which helps hold government accountable to the people. Thank you for providing this much needed news service to the people of West Hollywood.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
5 years ago

The budget & finance sub-committee has historically struck a balance between having long, often unfocused, discussions by the Council at large versus having the budget drafted entirely by staff with minimal Council input. But the large number of sub-committees seems to be a tactic to minimize public input for certain pet projects where Council members want to insure they have a stranglehold on the decision making process. Obviously many of these sub-committees could be delegated to the Human Services or Public Facilities Commission. I get the impression that the Council may have created some of these somewhat redundant bodies so… Read more »