Larry Block Delivers His Annual Ho! Ho! Ho! to WeHo and the Holidays

Larry Block

Larry Block is the owner of the Block Party store, chair of the West Hollywood Public Facilities Commission, and a man known for raising a little bit of hell about some local issues like crosswalks and pedestrian safety and getting that rainbow flag on City Hall.  Block also has become known for his annual Christmas poem, which he recites before the West Hollywood City Council.

Like those in years past, this year’s poem, which Block read at the Council’s Monday night meeting, brought a lot of chuckles and a few groans from those attending the meeting, and probably caused a few of those on the Council dais to flinch just a bit.

Here’s Larry Block’s call out to the holidays and a look back at 2019.

  • Ho! Ho! Ho! It’s that time of year
  • The spirit of the holidays is almost here.
  • Let’s look back on 2019
  • Lots of changes to the WeHo scene.
  • Goodbye to Café d’Etoile, the Factory, and LASC
  • Over 100 years of our history.
  • Hello to Rocco’s, Sprouts and more
  • And many new types of cannabis stores.
  • Rocky and Bullwinkle are moving to the Sunset Strip
  • Development continues at a record clip.
  • The Smart City program is well underway
  • Listen to the Chamber and Eat, Shop and Play!
  • Captain Ramirez took center stage
  • Ed Buck incited community outrage.
  • John Duran was censured by unanimous resolution
  • He is part of the problem. He is not the solution.
  • Let’s give John Heilman three dozen roses.
  • One for each year he’s been there since Moses.
  • Sepi Shyne came out of the blue
  • And John D’Amico almost got screwed.
  • Lauren and Lindsey show us that change is good!
  • And there are at least one too many Johns in West Hollywood.
  • Think Local! Think Larry! That’s my name.
  • Moving WeHo forward… that’s my aim.
  • Cuz I’m going to be a 61-year-old man
  • And our city has no aging-in-place plan.
  • And that senior on the second floor, disabled,
  • Still can’t move down if they are financially unstable.
  • While I’m too big to fit under your tree
  • Log onto and please join me.

Merry Christmas everybody!

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4 years ago

Um, ya.

Mike Dolan
Mike Dolan
4 years ago

Whimsical yet factual. I think your destiny is to in the replacement of afore mention; problematic John. Your years of service has not suddenly come out of the blue. Action and leadership–the Council needs you.

Leslie K
4 years ago

Bravo Larry!

Woody McBreairty
Woody McBreairty
4 years ago

This poem is very clever & funny & covers a lot of territory.
Perhaps Larry has missed his real calling
& should be appointed West Hollywood’s poet laureate.

Alison - WeHo
Alison - WeHo
4 years ago

I second that!

4 years ago

Agreed !

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