WeHo Is Soliciting Applications for an ‘Artist Bootcamp’


The City of West Hollywood is accepting applications from local artists for Artist Bootcamp 2020. Artist Bootcamp is a series of six interactive workshops for emerging and mid-career artists. Applications from interested artists will be accepted online through Jan. 16.

Workshops topics include: “Presenting yourself as an artist and setting goals;” “promoting yourself and your work;” “financial literacy and money consciousness;” “funding your art project or business,” and “planning, plain and simple,” as well as one-on-one consulting with art professionals. Through the course of Artist Bootcamp 2020, participants will learn from experts, engage in artist-to-artist discussions, and develop individualized plans for success.

If selected for Artist Bootcamp 2020, artists must commit to all scheduled workshops, which are currently scheduled for the second Wednesday of each month from Feb. 12 through July 8 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the West Hollywood Library Community Conference Room, located at 625 N. San Vicente Blvd. The program is free to those participants selected.

This opportunity for local artists is the result of an in-depth feasibility study conducted by the City of West Hollywood with its Arts Commission Performing Arts and Cultural Affairs (PACA) Subcommittee. The city will partner with the Center for Cultural Innovation, a leader in the field of business development for creative individuals, to present these workshops.

Artist Bootcamp workshops are part of the City of West Hollywood’s efforts set forth in its cultural planning process, “WeHo Arts: The Plan,” which works to celebrate and promote the city’s artistic and cultural identities.

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Josh Kurpies
Josh Kurpies
5 years ago

Excellent use of funds by a City that supports the Arts and its residents.

Antoine Christopher
5 years ago

This sounds like something I really need. It sounds very educational and gives directions to knowledge most artist needs today. Especially with so much social media going on. I’d live to be part of it.

T Dice
T Dice
5 years ago

This is a brilliant initiative! Well done West Hollywood. The arts are what this city thrives on

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
5 years ago

more wasted money.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ham Shipey

Why is promoting and growing the arts “wasted money.” It is a value of the City of West Hollywood, which has a huge surplus to spend. Thank the tourists and people who visit our city for the nightlife, as they are paying for most of this through TOT and sales tax.