West Hollywood City Councilmember Lindsey Horvath will appear in a “virtual town hall” on Thursday to discuss COVID-19 and the impact of the pandemic on West Hollywood.
The town hall can be accessed online from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Those who want to visit the town hall are asked to register online.
The event is hosted by the Israeli-American Civil Action Network and Congregation Kol Ami and is not a City of West Hollywood-sponsored event. Horvath is expected to address questions that have been raised by West Hollywood residents, including how to get access to tests for infection of the COVID-19 virus and what services the city is providing to its residents.
As mayor pro tempore, Horvath is in line to be named the city’s mayor in April. That honorary position rotates each year to one of the City Council’s five members.
The City Council’s next meeting in on April 6 and is expected to be conducted online given the risk of contracting the COVID-19 infection by gathering in groups.
Looking good gurl! Your hair looks much better long!
I’m a proud member of Kol-Ami but this ‘cover’ should be an official West Hollywood logo and non partisan, – if you recall the recent debate over the ‘Lowell cafe, or the movie’ I’d bet the other side would not be given an equal opportunity to participate in this same manner.
Really this had to be sponsored by a special interest group? So the City of WeHo actually did nothing on its own.
Great idea Lindsey! It will be good to hear from a City leader how the virus is impacting WeHo and what steps the City is doing to help and protect its residents.
Israeli-American Civil Action Network?? Certainly this can be conducted without a special interest group being involved.
You would think the WEHO City Council would sponsor it. Just more grandstanding for Horvath. She could have gotten one of the many developers to pitch in with some bucks instead of some strange political advocacy group and religious organization.
And why didn’t she get West Hollywood to distribute gloves and masks to every citizen? Since she is pitched as Saint Lindsay by her supporters! When it comes to handling the Carona Virus, West Hollywood political hacks make it the UN-Creative City!
Amen. One strange city.
How about an impartial sponsor. And yes, how about that film that was driven out of town? Isn’t this a community that inspires both sides of conversations and/or unvarnished facts?
Thank you, Mayor Pro Tem Horvath, for your leadership. The welfare and safety of the residents of WeHo are always your highest priority, as is evident in your commitment to being accessible and responsive during this crisis.