COVID-19: WeHo Parks Are Now Closed and Sidewalk Sales of Protective Devices Are Permitted

The dog parks at West Hollywood Park, now closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic

All parks and dog parks in West Hollywood are officially closed to the public City Councilmember Lauren Meister announced today. The closing is in response to reports of people in those parks not observing the social-distancing rule that is intended to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infections.

In an email message to residents, Meister also said that City Manager Paul Arevalo has issued an executive order that will allow non-essential retailers, whose stores have been ordered to close because of the COVID-19 pandemic, to obtain a permit to sell from the sidewalk goods that are needed to slow the spread of the virus (e.g. face coverings, hand sanitizers, sanitizing wipes) . There will be no fee charged for the permit.

Local retailers have been boarding up their windows to prevent vandalism during the shutdown.  Today’s executive order says that is permitted, however the window coverings must be painted and secured either on the inside or outside of the window.

Meister also provided details about the rules that the City Council on Monday agreed to have applied to ensure sanitation at construction sites.

Construction sites shall abide by the following requirements or may be issued a stop work order:

  • Hand washing facilities or hand sanitizer shall be installed at entrances to construction projects (unless the work is being conducted in an occupied building with operable restrooms in which case sinks are available for hand washing).
  • Shared tools and equipment shall be regularly sanitized.
  • Signage shall be posted at entrances to construction projects or common areas where work is occurring in an occupied building to instruct workers of social distancing and sanitation requirements, and  workers who are sick or exhibit symptoms of being ill or those in recent close contact with someone expos ed to COVID-19 shall not be present on the work site. Los Angeles County Department of Public Health standards for social distancing shall apply.
  • Face coverings shall be worn by all persons present at the construction site, and when necessary, OSHA regulations for personal protective equipment for the activity being performed shall be followed.
  • Workers shall not gather in groups larger than three during breaks and shall maintain a six-foot social distance during such breaks.
  • “Choke points” and “high-risk areas” shall be identified where workers are forced to stand together, such as hallways, hoists and elevators, break areas, and buses, and they shall be controlled so social distancing is maintained, to the extent practicable.
  • Interactions when picking up or delivering equipment or materials shall be minimized to allow social distancing.
  • The trades shall be staggered as necessary to reduce density and maintain social distancing.

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4 years ago

We pay taxes for our parks and its not right they’re shut down based on the laziness and whims of Lauren Meister. Punish the individuals with a warning, fine, etc. But removing our parks is unfair and wrong. She obviously isn’t a pet parent and doesn’t care.

4 years ago

Dog Parks closed to all resulting from the thoughtlessness of a few.
Time to invest in the betterment of your community through responsible behavior.

Wesley McDowell
Wesley McDowell
4 years ago

while I agree with the requirement of using face protection, it makes it challenging when there are none to buy. I looked in every store I could think of in West Hollywood that’s open and of course none had them. you can order them from Amazon but they won’t get here until the end of April or the middle of May. so on Friday I drove to sunset and Alvarado where I found a man selling them on the sidewalk. this is an extreme situation which requires extreme response. The idea of the city buying them and dispensing them to… Read more »

Larry Block
4 years ago

Wes – we got them and will give ya one meet me tomm noon at the shop –

4 years ago

You can literally tie two socks around your head to cover your nose/mouth and that’s adequate non-medical face protection. A scarf, bandana, any cloth you’ve got will do.

The Real Zam
4 years ago

Has anyone thought to require body temperature testing? This has been implemented by many businesses that remain open during this crisis and provides a quantitative way to approach those who feel inclined to work in spite of not feeling well or are on the fence.

Eric Jon Schmidt
4 years ago

I think the City should provide masks to every Resident at no cost. Surely the City can afford it. I challenge the City Manager to explain why the City is not doing that. The City should buy them from Larry Block since he seems to have a source. But, if Residents have to purchase them from local businesses, I’m glad that a permit is required. I have nothing against businesses selling the masks, anything to get them to Residents to slow the spread, but I was worried that some businesses would take advantage of Residents, so hopefully the permits will… Read more »

4 years ago

This lockdown will go on for quite some time, and supplying one-time use medical masks to all citizens would be costly and irresponsible, not to mention unnecessary – when scarves will do, or bandanas, or any repurposed cloth tied around your head to cover nose/mouth is adequate facial protection for short trips outside your home.

Larry Block
4 years ago

BlockParty will be open next week 12-4 beginning on Tuesday after obtaining permit w fashion face masks, bandanas, and sanitizer on way for end of April delivery. The inside of the store will not be open.

Johnjx on Hancock
Johnjx on Hancock
4 years ago
Reply to  Larry Block

Thanks, Larry! Hope BlockParty survives!

Larry Block
4 years ago

Mr. John whomever you are thank you very much. If the city wants a business like ours to stay they are going to have to do something about the daily public safety nightmare on the street. I can’t put my employees at risk and can’t imagine having to deal w those issues anymore.

4 years ago
Reply to  Larry Block

Block Party appears to be a “Party of One” in terms of immediacy and action in this virus strike. Larry Block had an idea and took action. Some applauded him, others had no idea what to do so discouraged his energy or said, No Thanks, we’re covered. Foolish response. Unfortunately many in city positions of responsibility seem to exhibit perfunctory messages, lacking facts, direction, immediacy and compassion. This is an ordeal that one needs to be on top of otherwise the weakest links in the community promote peril for the rest of us. Today finally, Wehoville provided links by red… Read more »

Larry Block
4 years ago
Reply to  Vigilant

Good idea on the wristbands –