The City of West Hollywood is inviting residents to celebrate Mothers Day (Sunday, May 10) by participating in an online drag performance.
The Mother’s Day online drag show is being organized by drag performer Billy Francesca and with the help of Rocco’s West Hollywood, the bar on the southwest corner of Santa Monica Boulevard and San Vicente.
Mayor John D’Amico expressed his support for the event at Monday’s City Council meeting and his office has issued an announcement encouraging residents to participate.
“Community members are invited to participate in their homes or outside, while following all Safer at Home orders and keeping themselves and their neighbors healthy and safe,” says the announcement. “Those who choose to participate can put on a show for themselves, for their friends online, or for their neighborhood while remaining in compliance with all social distancing requirements.”
The event will begin at 2 p.m. with performers posting photos and videos online with hashtags #MothersDayDrag and #fromWeHowithLove to share and tag @wehocity, @westhollywood, and @wehochamber.
“While in-person gatherings for Mother’s Day may not be possible amid the Safer at Home orders, this virtual event encourages the community to bring joy and entertainment to each other and especially the mothers in our lives,” says the city’s announcement.
Mother’s Day in drag? really?