The number of confirmed COVID-19 infections in West Hollywood has increased by two to a total of 185 today.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health reports 1,379 new cases across the county. That brings the total to date to 54,966. The county has confirmed 25new deaths related to COVID-19, bringing that total to 2,362.
As today, the Health Department reports that 3,155 West Hollywood residents have been tested. The death count remains at four.
The Health Department announced on Friday that hair salons and barbershops could reopen and that in-person dining in restaurants could resume now that the State of California has agreed that Los Angeles County’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has met necessary public health thresholds. However, curfews declared on Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 6 p.m. because of looting and damages have forced those businesses to close early.
Bars are not allowed to re-open, although restaurants can serve alcoholic beverages with meals. The salons and restaurants are required to comply with rules intended to ensure social distancing.
On Wednesday, the Health Department announced that it was permitting the re-opening of houses of worship, office worksites, in-store shopping at retail establishments, including indoor malls and shopping centers, flea markets, swap meets and drive-in movie theaters. Houses of worship can operate at 25% capacity or with a maximum of 100 people, whichever is lower, and retail establishments can operate at 50% capacity.
If at any time, the county’s rate of infection and other key metrics return to unsafe numbers, the Department of Public Health can limit or close reopened types of businesses.
Rules for business owners and customers at hair salons, barbershops and in-person restaurant dining are as follows:
Barbershops and hair salons
- Physical distancing measures will be in place.
- Employees and customers will be screened for symptoms, including cough and fever. Clients feeling unwell should reschedule their appointment.
- Everyone, including clients, must wear cloth face coverings while in the salon or barber shop and clients are encouraged to wear face coverings with ear loops to ensure the face covering does not interfere with the hair service.
- Magazines, coffee and other amenities will not be available.
- Clients are encouraged to use credit cards and contactless payment systems. If electronic or card payment is not possible, customers should come with exact cash payment or check, if available.
- Stylists may only serve one client at a time.
More details about the rules can be found online.
In-person dining in restaurants
- Physical distancing measures will be in place.
- Employees and customers will be screened for symptoms, including cough and fever. Patrons feeling unwell should not eat at a restaurant.
- Outdoor seating and curbside pickup are prioritized.
- Reservations will be encouraged.
- Customers will be asked to wait for their table in their cars or outside the restaurant to prevent crowds from gathering.
- Diners must wear cloth face coverings when not eating.
- Bar areas will be closed.
- Occupancy capacity will be limited to 60% for the next three weeks.
More details about these rules also can be found online. http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/coronavirus/.
Nail salons and spa services,including massage, facials and waxing, are not permitted to re-open
Also still closed are:
- Gyms and fitness centers
- Beach piers
- Indoor entertainment venues including arcades, bowling alleys, movie theaters, live performance theaters, concert halls, stadiums, arenas, theme parks, gaming facilities and festivals
- Indoor museums, galleries and zoos
Click here for a detailed list of what’s open and closed in L.A. County.
Public and private gatherings of people outside of a single household unit are not permitted except for public protests and faith-based services, which are permitted to operate with limits on the number of participants.
As of today, the Health Department reports an increase of one confirmed infection in Beverly Hills, bringing that total to 138. The number of infections in Culver City has increased by three to 147. The number of infections in the Hollywood neighborhood has increased by four to 272. The number of confirmed infections in the Melrose neighborhood increased by four to a total of 549.
Residents with questions about the COVID-19 pandemic and who are looking for resources to deal with it can find answers on the City of West Hollywood’s website. Here is a list of links to sections about particular subjects and issues: