Black Activists Announce Their Own June 14 Protest March from Hollywood to WeHo


UPDATE: All Black Lives Matter, the organizer of the June 14 protest march, has posted a route map on its Instagram page that shows the march will begin on Hollywood Boulevard at Highland, then head west to La Brea Avenue. It then will move south on La Brea to Sunset Boulevard, where the marchers will turn and march west to Crescent Heights Boulevard. They will head south on Crescent Heights Boulevard into West Hollywood and then turn right at the intersection with Santa Monica Boulevard and march on Santa Monica to San Vicente Boulevard.

Current map of June 14 All Black Lives Matter protest march (June 10)

Leaders of various Black rights groups have come together to stage an All Black Lives Matter protest march on June 14.  The announcement of the march follows a decision by Christopher Street West, producer of the annual LA Pride, to abandon its controversial plan to stage a similar event on that day.

The march will begin at 11 a.m. at the intersection of Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street in Los Angeles and continue into West Hollywood on Santa Monica Boulevard.

CSW has posted an announcement of the All Black Lives Matter protest march on its website. “Out of recognition and respect to the years of work and action of Black LGBTQ+ leadership and community organizers, Christopher Street West and LA Pride will no longer co-organize the All Black Lives Matter march,” the announcement says. “However, they are in full support and stand unapologetically in solidarity with efforts to dismantle racial (in)justice, systemic oppression, institutional barriers, police brutality and discrimination of all kinds.”

The announcement says the ABLM group will not solicit support from sponsors of the annual LA Pride parade nor will it engage law enforcement agencies in organizing the event.

On June 3, CSW announced that it would stage a Pride demonstration march on June 14. Earlier it had announced that it was cancelling what would have been the 50th annual Pride parade because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  But by June 5, faced with complaints from Black activists that they hadn’t been engaged in plans for the demonstration march, CSW said it was withdrawing its request for permits for the parade, which would have begun in Hollywood and continued on Santa Monica Boulevard into West Hollywood.


In addition to complaints that it had not involved Black rights groups in planning the protest, CSW was criticized for saying it was working with law enforcement agencies on plans for the march.  The protest marches that have taken place in Los Angeles and across the country in recent weeks were sparked by the death in Minneapolis on May 25 of George Floyd, who stopped breathing after a police officer who had handcuffed him pressed his knee on Floyd’s neck. Protestors have also called out other instances of black people being killed by police.

Some members of the West Hollywood City Council expressed concerns about the CSW march given that the city had suspended all major public events, including the Pride Parade and Halloween Carnaval, out of concern that they would lead to COVID-19 infections. In its announcement of the All Black Lives Matter parade, the advisory board asks protestors to wear face coverings and avoid large groups if they are at high risk of being infected with COVID-19 or are showing symptoms.

The All Black Lives Matter advisory board that is organizing the event, which was created on Sunday, includes Gerald Garth of Garth Management  Group, who is the  CSW board treasurer, and Brandon Anthony of B.A.S.H. LA. Both had been members of CSW’s Solidarity March Committee. Other members are Rev. Sammie Haynes of Vision Church Los Angeles, Paul Scott of the LA Black LGBTQ Movement, Princess Murray, an organizer of Compton Pride, Dr. Christopher Jackson of Black Lives Matter LA, Stacy Afford, Yuriel “Miss Shalae” Young, the Glasswing Group and Blossom Brown.

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Anne Winters
Anne Winters
4 years ago

2020, where were the public restrooms? Whats the name of the trash/waste non profit group group that cleans up, collects bottles? I’d like to volunteer.

James Francis
James Francis
4 years ago

Black Innocent Lives Always Matter when assaults and restraints and law and lives are taken at the hands knees baton clubs and guns. Excessive, egregious and over reach of officers when their lives are not in immediate danger should never have a person killed on the street for a non violent felony or misdemeanor offense of public delinquency, public intoxication, or a forged check or Fake money or petty crime. A badge of a police officer is not the ultimate decider of ultimate charges brought by a jury and a judge. Let’s put into perspective that people deserve to live… Read more »

James Francis
James Francis
4 years ago

I live off of Sunset west of Crescent Heights and I saw and heard multiple protests 12 days in a row. At first there were 1000 to 25,000. How are we to expect or enumerate how many people will show up! Helicopters circling until 12 midnight last week! I live west of the epicenter and had to hear chats, yells, car and business alarms and sheriffs setting perimeters to catch looters in cars! protesters of ill or wrong intentions splintered onto Sunset and cut through my side street and neighborhood trying to loot businesses and break into cars and residences.… Read more »

Vincent Campisi
Vincent Campisi
4 years ago

“Some members of the West Hollywood City Council expressed concerns about the CSW march given that the city had suspended all major public events, including the Pride Parade and Halloween Carnaval, out of concern that they would lead to COVID-19 infections.”

Would like to know which council-members had concerns because I think they might be voted back in, the rest of them that were ok to let this go on when they have canceled all the other events in the city, I’d like to see them voted out. 🗳🇺🇸

4 years ago

Martin P has the right idea.All the protesting,all the flag waving,all the yelling and slogans won’t matter unless we all go forward and vote on Election Day in November.

4 years ago

I wonder if some WeHo council members & a few candidates will get the photo-op they were hoping for when they tried to re-boot Pride?

Martin P.
Martin P.
4 years ago

None of these protests matter unless we all go out and collectively VOTE.

Martin P.
Martin P.
4 years ago

From the article: “In addition to complaints that it had not involved black rights groups in planning the protest, CSW was criticized for saying it was working with law enforcement agencies on plans for the march.”   You know it’s time to stop protesting when people are arguing about who should be allowed to plan one or not. I thought the rainbow flag meant everyone? Exactly which Black Rights Groups are mad about CSW initially planning the event? I’d think they wouldn’t care “who” was supporting their rights and showing up, Then again, over the years I didn’t see a… Read more »

Rex B.
4 years ago

People protesting to return to work were MOCKED, and told they have “blood on their hands” if they DARE protest. Familes bured their DEAD without services, perople were unable to visit reltivies in nursing homes and hosptals. Yet here we have 2 weeks of protsts, ritos, crime, and HUGE enormous gatherings – and because they are the RIGHT COLOR – it’s all blessed and promoted by the leftists. It’s down right TYRANNY!

4 years ago
Reply to  Rex B.

How is the ongoing fight for equality of all types (in this case racial) leftist tyranny? If you have anger about the way this country has handled the Covid 19 disaster that is one thing, but to blame protesters for Covid reality is misplaced by the response from the President and the right wing losers who protest with AK-47s and need to attend pool parties.

Bridget Baker
Bridget Baker
4 years ago

No one in West Hollywood can speak for the rest of the country. It’s too late for flags and memes and jargon. This scene will play out. With or without approval.

4 years ago

Marching in WeHo for civil rights is preaching to the choir. Why do these groups repeatedly tie up THIS city and block traffic? We’re all sick of the constant helicopters. It’s not creating goodwill. Quite the opposite. If the city grants a permit for this huge march, it will be negligence, as it will be encouraging/enabling a large gathering also.

LeNai de Puma
LeNai de Puma
4 years ago
Reply to  Jisfor

Imagine how tired black people are of dying by the hands of police. If only our biggest worry was traffic.

4 years ago
Reply to  LeNai de Puma

Perfectly said! March! Protest! Be heard!

christopher roth
christopher roth
4 years ago
Reply to  Jisfor

Seems like if you don’t want to be inconvenienced by civil rights marches then it’s probably not a good idea to move to a city where the majority of its citizens are still fighting for their own equal rights. ****Spoiler alert***** they probably won’t get their wish in our lifetime and that means marches are here to stay.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jisfor

The city did not grant a permit. No application was filed.

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
4 years ago

hard to believe. time to leave LA.

Jeffery Aubel
Jeffery Aubel
4 years ago
Reply to  Ham Shipey

By Felicia 👋

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