Nine New Confirmed COVID-19 Infections in West Hollywood Today


As of today, there are nine new confirmed COVID-19 infections in West Hollywood, the second day in a row with that high an increase. The total number of confirmed infections is 264.

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health reports 2,779 newly confirmed infections in all of L.A. County as of today — the third consecutive day in which the number of infections have exceeded 2,100.  It also reports that there are 1,783 people hospitalized with COVID-19-related illnesses, much higher than the range of 1,350 to 1,450 daily hospitalizations in recent weeks.

Today’s count brings the total number of infections countywide to 103,529.  The Health Department reported 45 new deaths related to the COVID-19 virus, bringing that total to 3,369.

According to the Los Angeles Times, ” L.A. County is now projecting the possibility of running out of its existing supply of hospital beds for COVID-19 patients in two to three weeks. Likewise, the number of intensive-care beds available could be exhausted sometime in July. Hospitals can, however, make more room for coronavirus patients by canceling elective surgeries and making other moves to increase capacity.”

The 264 cases reported in West Hollywood are a significant increase over the 246 reported on Sunday.  The increase in confirmed infections is likely because of an increase in West Hollywood residents who have gotten tested for the virus.  The Health Department’s COVID-19 database today shows that 5,746 WeHo residents have been tested for the virus, meaning the infection rate is 4.6%, which is the same rate as of Saturday.

The surge in infections led Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sunday to order the closing of bars, which he had permitted to re-open only 10 days earlier.  Yesterday, the Health Department ordered the closure of LA County beaches from July 3 through July 6 at 5 a.m. to prevent crowded situations that could result in more spread of COVID-19. All public beaches, piers, public beach parking lots, beach bike paths that traverse that sanded portion of the beach, and beach access points will be temporarily closed to the public. The order also prohibits fireworks displays.  L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva has, however, said that he will not enforce the ban on gatherings on the beach. 


As of today, 237 residents of Beverly Hills have tested positive for COVID-19, an increase of two from yesterday’s count. There are 210 Culver City residents confirmed to have the virus, an increase from the 205 yesterday. The Hollywood neighborhood to the east of West Hollywood today has 469 confirmed cases, up 17 from Monday. The Melrose neighborhood’s confirmed infections have soared from 874 on Monday to 902 today.

Residents with questions about the COVID-19 pandemic and who are looking for resources to deal with it can find answers on the City of West Hollywood’s website. Here is a list of links to sections about particular subjects and issues:

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4 years ago

The Trump administration, as per Alex Azar, has just bought up the entire supply of the drug Remdisivir, all of current and 90% of August & September production. Alleged to speed recovery so one can “leave the hospital more quickly” once they have survived a respirator, the cost is $3,200 per treatment of 6 doses. Lovely. Once home after reviewing all the medical bills, one could then theoretically experience a heart attack. Although not widely known in the US, due to absence from domestic news media, many in China and Asian countries have relied upon TCM and its effective protocols… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Vigilant

The world community appears to be rather outraged about this seeming “hoarding” of Remdisivir depriving other countries from utilizing it according to need. They appear even further skeptical about any vaccine developed in the US not being available to the world community.

This virus encompassing the entire world community depends on eliminating weak links whatever countries that may be.

John Daniel Harrington Tyrell
John Daniel Harrington Tyrell
4 years ago

Mask requirements are an easy way to respect yourself, respect your neighbors and respect those who work hard to keep us safe and fed

4 years ago

Are you the weak link in your building or in your neighborhood roaming around undetected or irresponsible?

The EU has recused us from entry to their countries.

Should the Governor and/or Mayors inflict the penalties of the California Penal Code Sec. 369a-402c Title 10 for Crimes Against Public Health & Safety with fines up to $10,000?

Please get with the program or this will never end.