Latest Report Shows Donations of $13,000 to Noemi Torres City Council Campaign

Noemi Torres

Noemi Torres, one of seven declared candidates in the Nov. 3 race for two seats on the West Hollywood City Council, has reported $12,988 in donations this year.

Candidates in the Nov. 3 election for two seats on the West Hollywood City Council have until July 30 to file their latest campaign contribution report.  As of today, only the report of donations to Noemi Torres has been made public.

The report includes donations made from Jan. 1 to June 30 of this year. Torres’ donations came from 56 individual donors. Nine of those donors are West Hollywood residents. Perhaps the most prominent donor is Jeffrey Prang, the Los Angeles County Assessor and a former member of the West Hollywood City Council, who donated $100.

Torres’ campaign reported a total of $4,291.40 in donations in an earlier filing, which covered donations made between July 1 and Dec. 31, 2019.

Torres is a real estate agent and is a member of the West Hollywood Public Facilities Commission.

Other candidates in the race are incumbents John Duran and John Heilman and challengers Larry Block, Marco Colantonio, John Erickson, and Sepi Shyne. WEHOville will publish stories about the other candidates’ donation reports as they are made public.


EDITOR’S NOTE: This story originally reported that donations to Noemi Torres campaign during he period from Jan. 1 to June 30, 2020, totaled $10,189. That comes from a download of contribution data from the city’s website. However, a paper filing states a total of $12,988 in donations. WEHOville has updated this story to include that amount. It is unclear why the digital data is different but there have been similar issues with the system the city uses in the past.

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4 years ago

What an incredible woman to run for West Hollywood. We can never have enough woman in office. Go Noemi!!!

Kala Maxym
Kala Maxym
4 years ago

I’m so happy to support Noemi’s campaign! We need more women like Noemi in office. She’s a creative thinker and always questions the status quo. Not only is she one of the kindest people but she’s forever “in your corner.” Go Noemi!!!