An Independent Expenditure Commission Has Been Formed to Re-Elect Duran and Heilman

John Duran, left, and John Heilman

An independent expenditure committee is being formed to campaign for the re-election of West Hollywood City Council incumbents John Duran and John Heilman.

Papers filed with the City Clerk identify the committee as “WeHo First Supporting Heilman and Duran for Council 2020.”  Its treasurer is Kate Bartolo, a West Hollywood resident and former Planning Commission member whose Kate Bartolo & Associates lobbies on behalf of real estate developers.

An IEC may spend an unlimited amount of money to support or oppose state and/or local candidates, provided such expenditures are made independent of the candidate. There is no limit on the amount of money that can be donated to an IEC. An IEC typically would spend money on mailings and television or newspaper ads.

Given Bartolo’s work for real estate developers, some of those involved in the Nov. 3 election campaigns expect real estate interests are behind the formation of this IEC.  As of June 30, Duran’s re-election campaign had received donations of more than $200,000, with 40% of that coming from real estate development interests.  Heilman’s re-election campaign had received donations of $99,020, with 41% of that coming from real estate development interests.

Real estate development is a major issue in West Hollywood, with some residents objecting to the size and location of new developments, arguing that they will damage the “urban village” feel of West Hollywood. A smaller number of residents argue that West Hollywood needs more housing, especially affordable housing, given the housing shortage crisis that has affected it and other California cities.

There are now 11 candidates in the race for the two Council seats occupied by Duran and Heilman. Duran has been on the Council for more than19 years and Heilman for 36 years.

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John Daniel Harrington-Tyrell
John Daniel Harrington-Tyrell
4 years ago

Money being raised without limitations is not about supporting our Community.

carleton cronin
4 years ago

“Money is the mother’s milk of politics” – Tip O’Neil
How much can be milked before the nipples give out? A torrent, it appears.

4 years ago

The corrupt developers townscape, faring, afriat and company are probably the people behind stealing our city hand in hand in broad daylight.

4 years ago
Reply to  Crooks

Unbelievable! As if the money that’s already flooded both of these jack asses from developers wasn’t enough. Now we’re going to tie these two together with an ‘independent expenditure committee’ (which has zero independence…let’s be honest). Vote em out so we can rebuild our community!

4 years ago

If there was ever any question about the approval of all of the outrageous development in our city and the destruction of our identity. Here is your proof !!

Sad that they will more than likely win again.

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
4 years ago

Most WH residents write Los Angeles as their address. Too embarrassing to be associated with WH.

Kate Bartolo
Kate Bartolo
4 years ago

I am writing to amplify the record, regarding the reference to me:

I am actually retired from my consulting work, which previously included non-profits and small business owners.

As a 24-year resident, I have longstanding ties to WeHo; which includes past service as Chair/Co-Chair of the Norma Triangle Residents Association.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kate Bartolo

Nice spin. Also included Condos and Hotels.

Marco Colantonio
4 years ago
Reply to  Kate Bartolo

Hi Kate,
John Duran and John Heilman have already raised over $300,000 for advertising and mailers/door hangers that will overstuff mailboxes and end up in the trash.
Would you amply and weigh in on the following. 1. During a pandemic, isn’t this enough to spend on a local election? 2. As a person of conscience, do you believe your time and additional money raised could be better spent on donations for those in real need like our homeless, unemployed persons and on essential services? Just for humanity’s sake, how about responding?
Thank you.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kate Bartolo

Just a step up on the food chain, a position for a retiree……. “just in time”… treasurer no less, guarding the money.

These moves are right out of the cruder than crude Trump Playbook, perhaps this team could locate a “down at the heels” country to take over. Nothing opaque here, just blatant smash and grab.

Sucking the last breath out of an “affluent?” community. Depends on what set of standards one uses for successful and affluent. What happened to authenticity?

This team should replay former President Obama’s speech last night and contemplate how it applies to them.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
4 years ago

It was bad enough that earlier this year the City Council raised the donation level from $500.00 to $1,000.00. John Heilman said that West Hollywood is “an affluent community” so that thousand dollar donations should not be much of burden to the average resident. Funny how our “progressive” leaders do everything they can to insure there is never a level playing field in WeHo elections. I guess when he retires Heilman can start a new career as a political consultant in Belarus.

4 years ago

As though incumbents don’t already have a nearly-insurmountable advantage over challengers based merely on name recognition, Duran accumulated nearly a quarter of a million dollars – as of the June 30 reporting deadline. How much more will he receive in the 4 months between July 1 and the actual election? How many more votes does this buy him? Does this help offset the voters who gag at the idea of a councilmember thinks it’s entirely acceptable to discuss his peccadilloes during official City events? Weren’t these two the reason WeHo residents passed the TERM LIMIT initiative in 2013? Are there… Read more »

Marco Colantonio
4 years ago

Is this an AUCTION or an ELECTION?

Birds of a feather, “Johns” flock together! Duran, Heilman and Erickson are bought and paid for by these special interest groups, real estate developers and their political action committees who heap massive amounts of $$$$$ into their Campaign Election accounts.

Stop the Scandals, Corruption and Pay-to-Play on West Hollywood City Council…Don’t vote for any of the “Johns” on the ballot this November 3rd.