COVID-19 Data Shows Movement in the Right Direction

The weekly count of confirmed COVID-19 infections in West Hollywood, which began a steep climb after July 4, now is steadily declining.

Los Angeles County reported another 1,644 cases of COVID-19 and 48 more deaths Saturday, bringing the county’s totals to 230,662 cases and 5,537 fatalities.

Officials have hailed declining hospitalization numbers and testing- positivity rates in recent weeks as signs that the county has been successfully slowing the spread of COVID-19. Those numbers continued to trend in the right direction Saturday, with hospitalizations falling from 1,347 on Friday to 1,280, and 33% percent of those in intensive care.

An average of roughly 2,200 hospital patients were seen in mid-July.

Testing results were available for 2,168,595 individuals as of Saturday, with 10% of all people testing positive.

Officials noted that despite the encouraging trends, the virus is far from under control.

“Though there are promising signs that our collective efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 are working, we are sad to report today that more Angelenos have lost their lives to COVID-19, and their loved ones are in our hearts as they mourn,” Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said.

“As we begin another hot summer weekend in Southern California, it’s important that we remain mindful of all the precautions we have to continue to take if we want to decrease community transmission enough to re-open schools. Being around people who aren’t part of your household puts you and them at a greater risk for COVID-19, which is why it is so important to stay at home as much as possible and avoid all gatherings, of any size, with people who are not part of your household.”

Taking part in an ABC7 online question-and-answer session Friday, Barbara Ferrer noted that two weeks after the Fourth of July weekend, the county had “our worst-ever surge in cases and hospitalizations.”


“Of course, we’re looking to what we can do differently around Labor Day,” Ferrer said.

She didn’t offer any specifics in terms of what steps might be taken to prevent a repeat of the post-July 4 and Memorial Day spikes, but Ferrer said she hopes people take heed of the public-gathering restrictions during the upcoming Labor Day weekend.

Ferrer noted recently that the county now meets five of the state’s six criteria for controlling infections, falling short only in the per-capita rate of people testing positive for the virus.

Until the county meets all six of the criteria, it will remain on the state’s coronavirus monitoring list, which prevents more businesses from reopening and requires school campuses to remain closed.

Younger residents continue to make up the majority of positive new cases. Of the new cases reported Saturday, 71% are of people under the age of 50 years old. Residents between the ages of 30 and 49 have the highest number of new cases among all age groups in L.A. County, 35% of Saturday’s new cases.

The number of confirmed COVID-19 infections in West Hollywood today increased by two to a total of 479. The Health Department’s COVID-19 database today reports that the number of WeHo residents who have died of COVID-19 related illnesses is five.

In Beverly Hills, the number of confirmed infections has increased by six to 593. The number of COVID-19 related deaths in Beverly Hills has increased by one to 11. The number of COVID-19 infection confirmed among Culver City residents has increased by one to 361. The number of deaths remains at 29.  Hollywood has seven newly confirmed infections, bringing its total to date is 1,017. The number of deaths remains at 11. The Melrose neighborhood has nine new confirmed infections, bringing its total to date to 1,666. The number of COVID-19 related deaths has increased by two to 61.

Public Health has a dedicated call line for confirmed cases of COVID-19. If you are positive for COVID-19 and have not yet connected with a public health specialist or need more information on services, call toll-free at 1 (833) 540-0473. Residents who do not have COVID-19 can continue to call 211 for resources or more information.

One way the virus can be transmitted is through a cough, a sneeze or even through air that comes from the mouth when someone talks. For that reason, residents must wear face coverings when out in public and can be cited for not doing so. The citations come with a $250 fine and a $50 administrative fee.

West Hollywood residents with questions about the COVID-19 pandemic or who are looking for resources to deal with it can find answers on the City of West Hollywood’s website. Here is a list of links to sections about particular subjects and issues:

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4 years ago

Oh good maybe soon they’ll let the world open up and loosen up on the masks mandates until the next ulterior motive creates a “spike” in cases. This whole thing has been blown way out of proportion and people are so brain-washed and scared they can’t see the truth.

Scott sigman
Scott sigman
4 years ago
Reply to  Taxilab

Virus and flus have no motives. Sorry but 5 dead in my family. New York, Oklahoma, 2 Los Angeles. All with prior condition they could breath walk and talk. Oh so somebody planned to kill them. Good to know it was homicide. Still they died

4 years ago

The County may show signs of improvement, but the numbers in WeHo, BH, Melrose, and Hollywood are simply awful. I am certain, as I read the news, that COVID-19 will circle around this country until it finds every last untapped body to infect. Open schools and BAM! Open businesses and POW! Lessen restrictions and OOF! When you think it is under control , and the virus infects and kills more people, you will soon realize that until a vaccine is proven effective and most of the planet is vaccinated, you all are just in the land of magical thinking. No… Read more »