The L.A. County Sheriff’s Department is conducting an investigation into an incident Friday in which a West Hollywood Sheriff’s deputy is seen hammering a person on the legs and ankles multiple times with a riot shield while the person was face-down on the ground and not resisting arrest.
The attack on Sunset Boulevard took place during an aggressive response by Sheriff’s deputies to people marching to protest the recent decision by a Louisville, Ky., grand jury to not indict a police officer who shot and killed a 26-year-old emergency medical worker during a botched “no knock” raid on her apartment on March 13. The decision not to issue an indictment in the death of Breonna Taylor, a Black woman, has sparked another wave of demonstrations around the country and in Los Angeles County against violent police behavior against Black people.
The assault by the deputy has attracted the attention of a variety of media including TMZ and the U.K.’s the Daily Mail, which erroneously described the deputy as an officer with the Los Angeles Police Department. Other deputies were seen firing rubber bullets into the crowd of demonstrators, with some protestors claiming they had been fired on before being asked to disperse. A video of the assault was posted on Instagram and has gotten thousands of views.
This is what I was filming last night when the LA County Sheriff lit me up in West Hollywood. They are beating a protestor, who is already on the ground and not resisting, with their shields. Full video to follow on @StatusCoup pic.twitter.com/lgKYHi85nb
— Lefty-Desiree McLeftyFace Slaps Otter Pops (@TinaDesireeBerg) September 26, 2020
Five of the six protesters arrested on Friday have been cited and released, a watch sergeant at the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station said Saturday. The sixth protester remains in custody on a separate charge that could not be cited out, according to the watch sergeant. The sergeant did not immediately know what the charge was. The watch sergeant told City News Service that he knew nothing about the video of the deputy assaulting the protestor, but the Los Angeles Times cited a department spokesman who said the department was aware of the video, and that an investigation was being conducted into the use of force during Friday night’s arrests.
Meanwhile, more Southland demonstrations in Taylor’s name were planned or held this weekend, including a Saturday morning march in Hollywood, a candlelight vigil Saturday at the Sherman Oaks Galleria on Ventura and Sepulveda boulevards, and a planned 11 a.m. rally Sunday in La Canada Flintridge, at the intersection of Angeles Crest Highway and Foothill Boulevard
It was at 7 p.m. Friday that demonstrators had gathered on De Longpre Ave near William S. Hart Park in West Hollywood. As many as 100 marchers headed southbound on La Cienega Boulevard and turned west on Santa Monica Boulevard to head to its intersection with San Vicente Boulevard. Meanwhile, Sheriff’s deputies had blocked off Sunset Boulevard, where an organizer of the De Longpre gathering told WEHOville that she expected those demonstrating on Vine Street in Hollywood would be marching.
During the protest on Sunset Boulevard, “several acts of vandalism took place, at which point an unlawful assembly was declared and an order to disperse was issued to the protesters,” Sheriff’s Sgt. Jennifer Roth said. “After the order was given, two pickup trucks were seen driving recklessly on Sunset Boulevard with multiple subjects hanging out of the truck beds. Both vehicles then blocked traffic taking over the street on Sunset Boulevard, near San Vicente Boulevard.
“Deputies approached and detained approximately 10 adults. Six adults were subsequently arrested,” she continued. “The charges included reckless driving, unsecured passengers in a truck bed, taking over the streets, battery on a peace officer, lynching, resisting/obstructing deputies, and failure to disperse.”
California Penal Code 405a PC defines lynching as “a person who participates in the taking by means of a riot of another person from the lawful custody of a peace officer,” according to the California state Legislature.
The City of West Hollywood hasn’t issued a statement on the deputy’s assault on the protestor on Sunset Boulevard. WEHOville has reached out to Mayor Lindsey Horvath for a comment but as of publication she had not responded. West Hollywood officials have been reluctant to speak out about allegations of police misconduct. However, Council members John D’Amico and Lauren Meister recently asked the city to report back on issues with Sheriff Alex Villanueva, a move that Councilmember John Heilman said he supported.
However, U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) did issue a statement on the Breonna Taylor decision.
“Breonna Taylor was sleeping when police raided her apartment and killed her. She deserves justice. Breonna — and all Black Americans — deserve a system of policing that prioritizes justice and dignity over fear and bigotry, so a tragedy like this never happens again,” he tweeted Thursday.
Black Lives Matter founder and Executive Director Patrisse Cullors, who is based in Los Angeles, said she was “completely mortified that our criminal justice system has failed Breonna Taylor, her family and friends, and frankly, it has failed our country.”
“We are going to continue the work that we have started in the name of Breonna Taylor and countless Black lives cut short at the hands of police brutality, systemic racism, and white supremacy,” Cullors said.
When will the Mayor of West Hollywood, step up and condemn the Sheriffs department, for this behavior, of wait its more important to condemn Iran, who dose not endorse her political career, rather then speaking out about abuse her at home.
I know that I would not be a good cop. I wouldn’t take the nonsense that they have to. The minute some pos got in my face like I keep seeing in the news it would be all over for said pos!
There is no excuse for this kind of lawless violence from police.
Brad Parscale, Trump’s former campaign manager after the FL Police had been in his home for some time following a response to a call from a concerned individual. The police suddenly emerge from his house and tackle Parscale. Question is, in the conversation about overly aggressive police and targeting individuals, what does this say? Any difference between Ft. Lauderdale and West Hollywood? Any priority/or not as to who he is/was? Why does a situation apparently under control, according to NPR and other credible sources, suddenly escalate to this level? Does everyone involved in this incident need a psych exam? Are… Read more »
Every major news outlet is reporting the truth of Breonna Taylors case. It was not a no knock raid. They knocked and announced themselves and the neighbor corroborated that fact. They did not fire until fired upon. Looks like somebody has an agenda by leaving out the facts.
Yes, what a reliable witness…
Thank you for posting the link!
Just as with the witness in the Freddie Gray case in Baltimore who provided support for the police by saying he had heard Freddie throwing himself onto the walls of the van who got so much pressure from his own community for doing that his life was threatened. I suspect that the same thing may have happened to this guy. It isn’t permitted to tell the truth if it destroys the narrative.
It’s funny to me that none of the “SUPPORT THE POLICE BUT NOT THE VERY FEW BAD APPLES” ever like to speak out when videos like these surface. Where are you people? Why aren’t you commenting and asking for answers about this video?
Could it be that you just don’t care about the “bad apples”? hmmm
There is a full length video covering this on YouTUBE. Some poor woman is standing there being accosted by the so called “demonstrators” who are screaming at her! If it had been me, I would I’ve screamed back and told them to Get Out Of West Hollywood! Because West Hollywood has a mayor that encourages this, we are helpless except to support the Sheriff instead of the weak pay for play city council members. Check out the video – they talk about revolution!
Nowhere in that video does it address the sheriffs deputy hammering a riot shield into the ankles of a protestor.
I will never support the corrupt LASD.
There is an anti-police bias on Wehoville. How about some empathy? Most of these sheriffs are in their 20s and have a very difficult job.
Absolutely no empathy for a corrupt killer gang. Sorry!
relax Francis
Yeah, we should be much nicer to the organization that employs gangsters, thugs and killers. Just as the Executioner’s gang in the Compton station. Or the Vikings. The LASD gangs operating from INSIDE the stations.
The only relief from the LASD ‘s criminality is to get a WeHo Police Force independent and well-trained and managed.
Great, another fake/sham investigation into themselves. It’s just PR at this point.
Hi green eyed boy- Thank you for addressing many of the bigoted responses from the usual suspects to the previous article describing this incident. I found the silence of those same commenters deafening when I asked them about the deputy’s indisputable use of the riot shield as a weapon on a prone, restrained, protestor. I too lack confidence that LASD under Sheriff Villanueva is capable of honest and thorough self-examination. Given Villanueva’s repeated flouting of the law and obfuscation, it is long past time for the Attorney General of California, Xavier Becerra, to weigh in on whether it is appropriate… Read more »
Hey Jay, I hope you’re right. Because these “investigations” never result in any consequences and usually are just put in place for the public to forget about the incident.
We got snookered with this Sheriff. He portrayed himself as a progressive Democrat when he was running and he’s turned out to be nothing but Trojan horse. Too bad there hasn’t been a recall effort. Surely someone with integrity will step up to run against him. And can someone please explain why the City of West Hollywood, which has one of the largest (if not largest) contracts with the Sheriff’s Department has been deafening silent throughout all this. The LA County Board of Supervisors has been very aggressive in their encounters with him but Weho, not a peep.
The LASD is hindered by the Council Members and their leftist supporters. Subduing and restraining a suspect by one deputy or any police officer when surrounded by persons that pose a danger is not only difficult but scary and yes police officers get scared. One only has to observed the so called Jesus Freaks who invade our city on Halloween. These are not Christians, they are terrorists yelling obscene remarks at all that are present. But are the sheriffs instructed to arrest these people for attempting to start a riot or other forms of civil disobedience? No, the LASD at… Read more »