The City of West Hollywood and its Disabilities Advisory Board will be accepting nominations through next Monday (Oct. 5) for its annual Disability Service Awards.
This year, the Disability Service Awards will honor essential workers who support people with disabilities during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Residents are encouraged to nominate individual workers or groups of individuals for a Disability Service Award. Essential workers are those who conduct a range of operations and services that are typically essential to continue critical infrastructure operations. The essential workforce includes but is not limited to workers in healthcare and public health, critical retail, transportation, childcare, critical trades, and nonprofits and social service organizations. A comprehensive list of the essential workforce can be found online.
For more information and to submit a nomination, visit the city’s website.
The city will virtually host its 22nd annual Disability Service Awards event at 6 p.m. on Oct. 28. It will be broadcast live on the on the city’s WeHoTV channels, streams, and using the WeHoTV website link www.weho.org/wehotv. Television broadcasts are available within the City of West Hollywood’s boundaries on Spectrum Cable Channel 10. In addition, programming may be viewed using streaming platforms by searching “WeHoTV” within the search functions of AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and Roku services. It will also be available live and for replay at the city’s WeHoTV YouTube channel.
October is Disabilities Awareness Month, and this year marks the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA is landmark civil rights legislation that works to increase access and opportunity for people with disabilities across society, including in the workplace.
Also this month, the city will host an outdoor flu vaccination clinic at the Plummer Park Community Center at 7377 Santa Monica Blvd. This free flu vaccination clinic for adults is provided by Cedars-Sinai Community Health Improvement in partnership with the City of West Hollywood. Getting an annual flu shot is one of the most effective ways to protect oneself and the community against the flu. It will take place on Oct. 29 from 9 a.m. to noon.
Nurses from Cedars-Sinai will conduct screenings and temperature checks before participants are allowed to receive a vaccination. City staff and Cedars-Sinai nurses will ensure social (physical) distancing protocols are followed. Nurses will have full protective equipment and require participants to wear a face covering. Face coverings will be offered to those who do not have them. Participants are asked to stay home if experiencing signs of illness or not feeling well. For more information or for questions or concerns about the flu vaccination clinic, call Cedars-Sinai at (310) 423-9596.
West Hollywood’s Disabilities Advisory Board was created in 1995 and is comprised of nine members. The board addresses issues affecting people with disabilities, including ADA compliance, transportation, housing, access to city government and services for people with disabilities, and makes recommendations to the City Council relative to the adoption of programs, policies, or ordinances of benefit to the constituency.
Cookies melrose should be nominated
I had three calls to be nominated, 2 members of the Disability Advisory Board themselves and one resident. But then the call came from one board member that the staff changed the rules so that a commissioner or candidate can not get a nomination. The city staff themself taking a vested interest to make sure I do not get an award. It was beautiful to get those calls win or lose but it was disheartening to watch the interference in the process. If u think that during the pandemic I provided a service delivering masks to residentS to prevent community… Read more »