Gay Republicans, including several gay Republican social media stars, will be making a very short march in West Hollywood on Friday, walking up San Vicente Boulevard from the Pacific Design Center to Rocco’s, the gay bar and restaurant on the corner of San Vicente and Santa Monica boulevards.
The Log Cabin Republicans, who have endorsed Donald Trump for re-election, are asking members to show up at the PDC at 9:30 p.m. for the “Gays and Housewives Take Over WeHo” march, will begin at 10 p.m.
“Wear your Trump/MAGA gear and join Brokeback Patriot, Christian Walker, Hazem Farrej, DC Draino, and Rob Smith to help show how much love there is for Trump in the LGBT and Ally community,” says an announcement of the event. “Tell all your gay and housewife friends to come.”
Hazem Farrej is a gay Palestinian-American who converted from Muslim to Christian and is well known in right-wing circles. Brokeback Patriot is David Leatherwood, who garnered publicity in right-wing media after he was fired from his job at a St. Petersburg, Fla., restaurant after posting negative comments on social media about Black Lives Matter. Christian Walker is a 20-year-old Black gay Los Angeles resident whose father is football legend Herschel Walker and who is an avid supporter of Donald Trump. DC Draino, whose real name is Rogan O’Handley, describes himself as a social media journalist. He has 1.2 million Instagram followers and one of his posts was shared with others by Donald Trump. Rob Smith is a Black gay man who is a spokesman for Turning Point America, a right-wing organization that advocates conservative principles on high school, college, and university campuses.
The march, although short, is likely to attract a lot of attention in a city where 33% of the population identifies as gay men and only 9% of voters are registered as Republicans. The group has alerted the Sheriff’s Department to its plans and asked its members not to post information about the event on social media because it might attract opposition.
The intersection of San Vicente and Santa Monica boulevards has been the scene of a number of demonstrations this year, including a march of tens of thousands of people protesting police violence against Black people, which culminated at that spot.
The Log Cabin Republicans have had other meetings in West Hollywood, including several on the roof of the Fiesta Cantina restaurant, at one of which they hosted Sabo, the right wing street artist who vandalized city property to promote a book by the controversial gay right-wing propagandist Milo Yiannopoulos and whose website declares that he’s all about “creatively kicking liberals in the teeth.”
There also will be the weekly Trump rally on Saturday in Beverly Hills. The Log Cabin Republican group has invited its members to show up at 3 p.m. to prepare for a march down Rodeo Drive. “Bring Trump flags and MAGA gear–some of us attended last week, and we felt utterly loved and welcomed,” the group said.
The red wave is upon us. Either you ignore it and drown in the tsunami or you grab a lifeboat and hold on.
If thy invite Drumpf, he will undoubtedly come as he is desperate and always looking for applause anywhere he can find it. Perhaps John Duran could offer him a “Key to the City” to bookend the one he presented to Stormy Daniels. Anything for a celebration.
I’ll be there to egg them
S e, that’s the kind of childish behavior gay conservatives have to endure in tolerant West Hollywood! I shake my head in disbelief sometimes when I read the comments here on WeHoVille.com directed at conservatives and Republicans and realize that 95% of what people like you think is absolutely not true. Find one of us sometime and try to have an unemotional and adult discussion about why we believe as we do. You just might learn something!
Most of the Trump supporting individuals calling themselves Republicans will be the last to know that they are actually some strange hybrid mutation of what once was an honorable Republican Party. Easy to be conned by a con, its painless and one always believes the con will be true.
I’ve always been horribly disappointed everytime a conservative opens their mouth. Gay conservatives are even worse, supporting outright anti-lgbt politicans and policies. Not to mention supporting of police brutality, limiting of immigration (unless their white), and pretending like every single possible gain made by LGBT people in this country has come despite the very best efforts of conservatives across the country.
I’ll be there
So they are hiding information about their public March because they might attract opposition. Hmmm. That tells me that they know what they’re doing is wrong and their support for a dictator in waiting is a bad idea. Are they such snowflakes that they can’t handle hearing about how wrong their belief system is? That suggests they are as uninformed as their “dear leader.” Why else would they be afraid of a little competition. Their freedom of expression is guaranteed under a Constitution the man they support is shredding faster than a Sushi Chef cuts fish. They better be careful… Read more »
I hope all 12 of them don’t get too tired walking 2 blocks
Oh, come on, there’s at least 15 of them, I thin😂
Having a walk from the PDC to Rocco’s at 10pm to Rocco’s to get drunk is a pretty pathetic show of support. If that is a political rally I am very active as me my friends do that most weekends.
Isn’t that special. tRUMP is all for “the gays”. Poor confused idiots!
just more silliness in the city.
Ugh. So many of them come in from other areas – they don’t live in WeHo. Go the f*** home. Oh, and drop dead along the way.
Drop dead? Completely innapropriate. Hank- violent rhetoric and threats should not be allowed.
So we unilaterally disarm and what, let the Proud Boys and other fascists run the streets free to do whatever they feel like? I think not…
they can march…….as long as they don’t set police cars on fire and vandalize.
Trust me, we live here. #silentmajority
The silent majority is neither.
The old liberals commenting and writing on this site are unable to welcome opposing ideas into Weho.
The GOP is no longer the party of Romney or McCain. Trump and his ilk are incompetent and crooks. Opposing ideas? Twaddle.
Actually, it was never the party of McCain or Romney. Both lost.
Decades ago I attended Log Cabin Club meetings. What I got from them was that it was a venue for older guys with money to hook up with younger guys. Politics were hardly ever discussed. The GOP has never really given a toss about Gays etc.
Lady G probably made some appearances…
Not familiar with her.
Lady G is a fabulous southern belle from South Carolina. She also Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
On the contrary, what you describe seems like the essence of politics these days