Save Small Business Protest March on Saturday Will Go Through Hollywood, WeHo and Beverly Hills

Save Small Business March flyer

In what is being billed as the world’s largest Save Small Business Protest March, the recently formed California Coalition for Safe Reopening is sponsoring a march on Saturday to get the attention of elected officials, demanding they find alternatives to COVID-19 business closures as a way to fight virus spikes.

The march starts at noon on Saturday on Hollywood Boulevard in front of the TCL Chinese Theater. The march will go west on Hollywood Boulevard, turn south on La Brea Avenue and then go west on Santa Monica Boulevard through West Hollywood, ending near Doheny Drive in Beverly Hills.

“We believe that the current actions taken by the county and state are woefully inadequate tactics that are further exacerbating disproportionate impact to small business as well as creating social justice issues to our most vulnerable segments of the population,” said Nick Rimedio, chair of West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, general manager of La Peer hotel, and a founder of the Coalition for Safe Reopening, “We need our elected officials to step up and stop using us as their excuse for mismanagement.”

The Coalition contends there is no scientific data to support the state’s theory that the virus upticks are arising from activities such as outdoor dining, and limited capacities at salons and gyms.

“We are marching in protest due to the lack of science and statistics used in these decisions,” Rana Ghadban, president of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, said in a statement. “There has been no evidence to show that restaurants are contributing to the uptick in cases in Los Angeles County. We believe that reopening restaurants under safe regulations will also help curtail the current surge of prohibited private gatherings and parties by providing an accessible and regulated conduit for desired human connectivity in settings such as outdoor restaurant dining.”

The Coalition points out that it’s not only business owners who are hurt by closure orders, but also their employees. Some businesses have already closed their doors permanently, while others will likely not survive the current closure order now in effect.


They contend the closures for the good of public health are resulting in the economy becoming a public health issue. When people aren’t earning money, they cannot afford basic necessities such as food and rent.  

The Coalition’s “Three Point Economic and Public Health Recovery Plan” proposes specific measures the state should undertake, including:

  • Creation of a Safe Reopening Task Force to identify sustainable, long-term solutions for reopening.
  • Empowerment of local authorities to make decisions on a local level and enforce them on a local level.
  • Creation of a California COVID-19 Emergency Business Interruption Fund to provide grants to businesses for any future unanticipated closures.

The Coalition is made up of 50 Southern California chambers of commerce and business organizations, including the West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, the West Hollywood Design District, and the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce.

Saturday’s march will include “March Ambassadors” who will spot check crowd to ensure marchers are masked and socially distanced. Colorful ropes will be used for people to hold six feet apart. COVID Safe Stations will be set up outside various businesses along the route for sanitizers, masks, and temperature checks.

People participating in the march and their supporters are asked to wear green. Green is, of course, the color of money.

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4 years ago

So many opinions.. but how many are actually showing up to physically support or organize for their cause? I bet it’s NOT the loudest naysayers squawking in the comments of wehoville!

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
4 years ago

interesting how the rioting and looting stopped after the election.

4 years ago

Some of us have actual BUSINESS to conduct in West Hollywood and support local businesses WITH masks and WITH limited capacity and WITH social distancing, and we do NOT appreciate greedy, stupid “marchers” (certainly not from the FOUL “West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce”) and some idiot from the (also FOUL) La Peer Hotel jamming up traffic on Santa Monica Boulevard! That has to be the stupidest idea EVER to block patrons of businesses with a “march” about supporting business! DUH!

Jordan Gonzalez
Jordan Gonzalez
4 years ago
Reply to  RISE UP

Except Weho liberals are often elitists who aren’t on the side of the working class and don’t grasp the actual impacts of these shutdowns. Governor Gavin having dinner with his billionaire friends, maskless, while preaching at small businesses to shut down.

4 years ago

these people could put their energy where it counts – pressuring Mitch McConnell to stop blocking a COVID relief bill – it’s MONEY businesses and people need … we bailed out the banks for $16 trillion so we can spend however many trillions it takes to make people and businesses whole … meantime shutdowns are necessary as are masks

4 years ago
Reply to  radii

It’s not McConnell; it’s Pelosi and Schumer.

Jordan Gonzalez
Jordan Gonzalez
4 years ago
Reply to  radii

You mean like how Nancy Pelosi has restricted relief aid for months?

4 years ago

Yes, Jordan Gonzalez, that’s pretty much it. She has. The modus operandi of Dem leadership is to attach the most ridiculous add-ons to any bill that is popular with the public and then blame the Republicans when they won’t accept them. Pelosi wants to be able to say that they are ready to pass the bill but Republicans are holding it up, and then counts on the general public not knowing that she is holding the bill hostage unless she gets her absurd demands, which she knows won’t happen. And it works because of the complicit press and “Joe Citizen”… Read more »

Jonathan Hong Dowling
Jonathan Hong Dowling
4 years ago

With the surge in COVID cases, this protest is irresponsible. I will be sure to boycott any business which participates in this ridiculous folly post pandemic and urge everyone to do the same!

4 years ago

Good stay home.

4 years ago

You think it’s good that people are boycotting small businesses?

Why are you anti-small business?!

4 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedboy

Small businesses should be strongly supported.

Jeffery aubel
Jeffery aubel
4 years ago

Wow, you’re a piece of work. I’m betting you’re an angry old white guy. But we’ll never know cuz you’re too afraid to put your name behind all the crap comments. #goaway

4 years ago
Reply to  Jeffery aubel

They are the biggest troll on Wehoville.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jeffery aubel

James- Wehoville should not allow comments attacking age, race or gender.

Jeffery aubel
Jeffery aubel
4 years ago

It was not an attack, it was merely profiling based on your comments.

cody warlock
cody warlock
4 years ago
Reply to  Jeffery aubel

Im surprised that attack got through the comment vetting. Wehoville doesnt usually allow these kind of comments.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jeffery aubel

Jeffery aubel made a racist comment. Why is wehoville allowing this to stay up?

Jeffery aubel
Jeffery aubel
4 years ago

You seem to be confirming my comment. Please explain how My comment was racist?

4 years ago
Reply to  Jeffery aubel

Your comment was not racist, Jeffery aubel, nor would it have been racist if you had said “angry old black guy”, but you would have had to move out of town if you had. There’s a whole different standard.

By the way, I don’t agree with your opinion. I’m just saying it wasn’t racist.

Jeffery aubel
Jeffery aubel
4 years ago

BTW, I’m an older white guy, just not that angry.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jeffery aubel

James- this racist comment is beneath the standards of the community.

Jeffery aubel
Jeffery aubel
4 years ago

Just because you keep saying my comment was racist, doesn’t make it so. Reminds me of someone that keeps saying he won, when he didn’t. I’m done, bye Felicia 👋🏻

4 years ago


Jordan Gonzalez
Jordan Gonzalez
4 years ago

As if liberals ever cared to support any business outside of swanky Beverly Hills ones that keep the working class out…

Jeffery aubel
Jeffery aubel
4 years ago

You’re deluded. Stop watching OAN and Newsmax

Tom Smart
Tom Smart
4 years ago

Everyone is hurting. If you want to march, do it to protest the fat cats on BOTH sides of the aisle in Washington not getting funding approved for American people and families. Unemployment compensation even at the maximum of $1,800 doesn’t get the job done in normal times. These are not normal times.

Tom Smart
Tom Smart
4 years ago
Reply to  Tom Smart

Also, since Beverly Hills is involved they should allow the marchers to shutdown THEIR city too. What the hell?

“The data just doesn’t support these cruel actions by our elected officials,” said Beverly Hills Chamber’s Pres. & CEO, Todd Johnson. “We stand with our workers, business organizations and chambers opposing this continued method of opening and closing business sectors as a way of managing the virus.”

WeHo Poster
WeHo Poster
4 years ago
Reply to  Tom Smart

100% correct

4 years ago

Protest the impact on small businesses by closing down their main drag on their busiest shopping day in the middle of what would be their busiest season. Good move!

4 years ago
Reply to  Tom


Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
4 years ago
Reply to  Tom


Jim Nasium
Jim Nasium
4 years ago

No more marches please! Stay home. We’re in a pandemic people!

4 years ago
Reply to  Jim Nasium

Stop telling people what to do.

4 years ago

“Open the restaurants” – you in several comments over the past 2 weeks. Sounds like you’re telling people what to do.

You didn’t even use “please” like Jim Nasium did.

Jordan Gonzalez
Jordan Gonzalez
4 years ago
Reply to  Jim Nasium

Funny how that the “we’re in a pandemic, stay home” lectures didn’t come during the BLM protests (and looting)

Rudi Logan
Rudi Logan
4 years ago

How much wine did you have before typing that missive, Michael?

Michael Grace
Michael Grace
4 years ago

SBLM! Small Business Lives Matter!

Fantastic! Congratulation!

Finally protesting against these hideous politicians like Governor French Laundry or the ludicrous Mayor Garcetti.

Gov Nusiance is sudizing his businesses with $3 million handouts from the government, keeping his winery open while he’s dining out without a mask.

Recall him.

Reopen all the restaurants. Do you think the police or the sheriff are going to do anything about it? Cow towing to the “defuning the police” politicians and the people that voted them in!

Make California Red again and this would have never happened.

Steve Too
Steve Too
4 years ago
Reply to  Michael Grace

If California were “Red again” imagine how many more residents would be sick or dead due to inactivity from the government.

Is Newsom the best? Far from it. But, at least he is doing things to try to keep citizens safe.

And, no it’s not funny to co-opt the name of an organization that is bringing light to centuries of systematic racism.

4 years ago
Reply to  Steve Too

Totally agree, Steve. Also, if anyone gets my support over Newsom, it will be an even MORE progressive candidate 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  Steve Too


4 years ago
Reply to  Michael Grace

California will -never- be a red state again. Sorry buddy

4 years ago
Reply to  Michael Grace

“White Lives Matter!”

4 years ago

I hope the crazy anti-mask trump cultists don’t hijack this march.

4 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedboy

You’re always negative.

4 years ago

I’m always COVID-19 negative because I take the pandemic seriously.

How did you know?!

4 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedboy
