Readers Poll: Should Robertson Boulevard be a Pedestrian-Only Zone on Saturday Nights and Sundays?

View looking south on Robertson Boulevard from Santa Monica Boulevard intersection.

Should Robertson Boulevard become a pedestrian-only zone on Saturday nights and Sundays?

The West Hollywood City Council will decide that question at its meeting on Tuesday night.

The proposal the Council will debate is to close Robertson between Santa Monica Boulevard and El Tovar Place, just north of Melrose Avenue, to vehicular traffic from 6 p.m. on Saturdays to 2 a.m. on Mondays.

The issue is dividing residents. Some think it’s an idea that’s long overdue. Others think it’s far too soon to do it as we’re still in the midst of a pandemic.  

No doubt many people are emailing the five councilmembers to let their opinions be known, while others will be phoning into the meeting to voice their opinion during the public comment period.

Here’s a way to let the Council, and fellow WEHOville readers, know how you feel.

Vote in the poll below.

It’s a simple YES or NO poll. We’re asking for the email address to keep people from stuffing the ballot box. One vote person!


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