City Council Reduces Certain Annual Business Tax Payments and Tax Certificate Fees by 50%


In an effort to help businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic, the City of West Hollywood is reducing business taxes.

During its meeting on Tuesday, the West Hollywood City Council approved an urgency ordinance which reduces certain annual Business Tax and Tax Certificate fees by 50% for the fiscal year 2021 billing cycle as applied to calendar year 2020 Business Tax payments or renewals.

Reductions are applicable to lines 5 and 7 on the renewal form mailed to businesses on Feb. 1.

For businesses that have already submitted payment, refunds will start to be issued beginning March 15, 2020.  Businesses wishing to receive a credit toward 2021 Business Tax payments in lieu of the 50% refund should contact the city’s accounting/finance specialist Laura D’Ambrosia at  prior to March 15.

Businesses that have not submitted payment may do so online at  Instructions and more information can be found at  In order to avoid penalties and interest, payment must be made no later than May 1.

As a result of the pandemic, City Hall is currently closed for in-person transactions.  There are two options for filing and paying business taxes:

  1. Online: In order to use the online system, use the Personal Identification Number (PIN) on the renewal form mailed to businesses on Feb. 1. For assistance locating the PIN, please email
  2. By mail: send the completed renewal form with payment check made payable to the City of West Hollywood in the provided envelope to arrive prior to May 1.

The City regularly updates its Small Business Resourceswebpage area as part of coronavirus information available on the city’s website at

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