The City of West Hollywood is sponsoring a drive-thru food giveaway for residents and community members on Saturday morning.
Partnering with LA County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl’s office and the LA Regional Food Bank, the City will be distributing food boxes of non-perishable essential pantry items.
The food boxes are free; no income eligibility requirements. However there are a limited number of boxes available (approximately 350), so advance registration is required.
No walkups will be allowed on the day of distribution. If you aren’t registered in advance for the food boxes, you will not receive one.
The distribution will take place at 625 San Vicente Blvd., in front of the West Hollywood Library, on Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
To register to pick up one of the food boxes, CLICK HERE and then click on the link directly below the flier.
The food boxes, which will be prepared by the LA Regional Food Bank, are available to any resident of Los Angeles County, but with limited supply, it is essential to register quickly to receive the boxes.