Caitlyn Jenner is running for governor


Olympic gold medalist … beloved reality TV dad … transgender role model … California’s next governor?

Never say never.

Caitlyn Jenner announced Friday she will take on Gov. Gavin Newsom in an almost-guaranteed recall election coming later this year.

Her entry into the field of prospective candidates throws a thousand-pound wrench into an otherwise run-of-the-mill statewide race. Hype in the press and on social media will almost certainly increase voter turnout and inject a heavy dose of unpredictability into the election results.

Jenner faces a steep uphill climb running as a Republican in a deeply blue state — but it wouldn’t be the first time a GOP candidate with celebrity pedigree pulled off an upset win at the ballot.

Less than 20 years ago, Californians chucked unpopular Democratic Gov. Gray Davis in favor of Arnold Schwarzenegger during a recall election.

If elected, Jenner would be the first transgender governor in American history and one of only a handful of transgender elected officials in the world.


California Democrats are confident that voters will stick with Newsom, whose handling of the coronavirus pandemic has been met with both accolades and acrimony, depending on who you ask.

But as always, it comes down to a popularity contest.

2018’s gubernatorial race was decided by about 3 million votes.

Food for thought: One of the aforementioned candidates has 1.9 million followers on Twitter. The other has 3.5 million.

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3 years ago

Great news! California is unpredictable, Jenner could be elected. After all, Governor “Dirty Laundry is a joke.” The State of California is a mess. Jenner is from Southern California. Not the north. Which is dominated by Pelosi, Getty, Brown, and Newsom cabal. (Newsom’s father was Getty’s lawyer). Plus they are all Roman Catholics – that institution has a great connection to all of them. Private schools, political backing, etc. The Roman Catholic San Francisco lawyers donated strongly to the VP K Harris campaign for SF DA to stop all prosecution of pedophile buggering priests, many from a top private RC… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Michael
3 years ago
Reply to  Michael

Well written Michael!

3 years ago

Are we going to learn the authors of these pieces sometime in the near future?

Larry Block
3 years ago
Reply to  Joshua88

Yes I hope so. Due to public attacks on the previous editor and his wife contributors are requesting to have their names hidden. We have 3 staff writers under contributor, wehoville, and staff reports.

3 years ago
Reply to  Larry Block

What a shame. Have people forgotten how to be civil towards one another? Agree to disagree and move on. Attacks?! How ridiculous and childish. Unbelievable.

3 years ago

Recall elections are always messy and often the original intent for the recall is lost as the recall-ee gets blamed for everything but original sin. Jenner will get lots of toes for the wrong reasons, as most celebrity candidates have. Remember, she is a Trump loyalist and that’s a lot of unnecessary baggage to carry in the run for governor.

3 years ago

Caitlyn Jenner has a lot of accomplishments to his/her name,but she is running for an office that needs a certain skillset.Jenner has no politcal,miltary or diplomatic experience for the office of governor.

She is plain unqualified to run for this important office.If there is going to be a recall,get someone who has the political experience.Newsom has mucked up his term,but let’s not pick someone who will make it worse.

Ruth Williams
Ruth Williams
3 years ago
Reply to  hifi5000

As was Arnold “the Terminator” who terminated most of our state when he was Governor after the recall on Gray Davis and it should never have happened. Unfortunately, people vote for the celebrity and that’s how we wound up the Trumpster, and Ronald Reagen – and he’s the guy who took away funding for vets, etc., and created mass homelessness because services were no longer there for those returning from duty who suffered PTSD and substance related issues!! And everyone knows what disaster Trump left behind.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ruth Williams

Anything is better than the leadership we’ve had for the last decade or so. Have you been to downtown lately? There are third world countries that are cleaner. It’s disgusting what’s happened to this once “golden state.”

3 years ago

A lot of people who are essentially “famous for being famous” have larger Twitter followers than Governor Newsom.

3 years ago

A transgender Republican running on the California GOP party platform that seeks to reduce transgender rights and access to healthcare, education and social justice. No. Never. Send this hypocrite back to Malibu.